Lucia Villarino Geschreven 11 jaar geleden
Yo solicité una residencia hace tiempo pero no he recibido respuesta alguna todaví da que no me van a aceptar y la verdad es que ahora estoy un poco perdida sobre que voy a hacer si no me aceptan.
otra cosa que no sé es como hacer la mudanza, ¿sabeis cual es la mejor opción¿
Saludos!! Espero veros en mes y medio!
Iosune Sarasate Geschreven 11 jaar geleden
Yo he empezado tarde y me pasa lo mismo. No tengo ni idea que hacer. Intentare buscar algun piso y a ver si alguien esta interesado. Si no debajo de algun puente ya me haran sitio oye.
Sobre la mudanza, yo pensaba mandar alguna cosa por correos, pero intentare que sean pocas porque luego me lleno de trastos.
Raphaela Markwirth Geschreven 11 jaar geleden
Hi guys,
I'm Raphaela from Germany but have been studying and living in Madrid, Spain for the past few years. I'm not an Erasmus student but I will be moving to Zurich this coming October to start working there and I was wondering if some of you would want to meet up some time. I'm graduating this coming September and I really enjoy being in an international environment. Since everyone of us seems to be in a similar situation I thought it's always fun to get to know new people. And hey, you'll have the chance to practice your German with me. Or if you prefer speaking English, Spanish or French I would be even more psyched :) I was born and grew up in the south of Germany (Freiburg), so I also know the area quite well in case you need a guide. I don't really know anyone yet in Zurich and I would be very happy to get to know some international people to hang out, maybe going salsa dancing together and doing some outdoos activities. I've heard Zurich is an excellent place for that.
Anyway, I would be very excitied to hear from you.
Rafaela Amydahla Geschreven 11 jaar geleden
Hi Raphaela!
I'm Rafaela ^^ 22 years old student and I'm also looking for a roomates in Zurich from september/october until february. How long are you going to stay in Zurich?
Almudena Devesa Geschreven 11 jaar geleden
Hello everyone!!!!
I am Almu, also from Spain!!! (Valencia) hahahha I am going to do an intership from October to January and was trying to find accomodation (I also found the woko page but they didn't answer me) ...the problem is I cannot afford to pay more than 400 per month :( Is anyone still looking for roomates or someone who can give me any advice?? I study biology and do not speak german but people told me it is not a problem there!!! (I hope they re right haha ) It would be awesome to get to know all of u guys! A los españoles... a ver si nos juntamos todos a hacer una buena paella!!!! jajajja
Raphaela Markwirth Geschreven 11 jaar geleden
Hey Rafaela,
I will be moving to Zurich tomorrow and I will most likely stay there for a couple of years. If anyone wants to meet up sometime this weeks, this would be awesome! :)
Maja Ułasik Geschreven 10 jaar geleden
Hi guys!
I’m 22 years old student from Poland and I’m going to move to Zurich in the end of March. I would like to meet new people and discover new places in the city! So if anyone of you is still looking for company, please let me know!!! :)
Cheers and hope to see you!