Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

tys student village or retrodorm

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Hi guys! I'm also coming for the 1st semester this year 2013/2014 at Tuas university, have you already found your accomodation? I'm on the waiting list for a room at the student village while at Retrodorm they have already told me that I'm in but I've to decide.... between the two, and you guys????

Hi! It's the first time I hear about the Retrodorm, is something particular of the Tuas? Is different from the Student Village?

I have applied for the student village and they already told me I'm in, so I go to the student village. But I don't know anything about the Retrodorm.

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