Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

searching for the room

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Can someone advise me a place where I can find a room  for staying during my Erasmus internship period?
I am going to do my Erasmus internship in Porto from 30.01.2012. till 29.04.2012.
I would like to live in a Porto centre, the rent shold be maximum 250 (icluded gas,water, internet and everthing else).
Perfect would be to share the common area with other students, but the flat on my own also would be ok.

Pls write me if you have some offers!

My email is [email protected]

Unfortunatelly I still need a room. Pls send me offers if you have them. Thank you! :)

Hey, Miguel!

I cannot see your advertisment, while you have not added me as friend on Face book.

By the way- have an amazing Dragon year!:)

I have a room, contact me to [email protected].



I have a room, contact me to [email protected].


Resultaat 1-5 van 5 inschrijvingen


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