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Rommate search Porto 2019/2020

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Hi everyone!

My name is Paula Annija Janite, I am 23 years old Latvian student. I'm coming to Porto for my Erasmus starting september until february next year. I've been looking for flats but so far haven't found anything that would suit both quality and the price. The price range I can go for is 200-350 euros per month. If someone is looking for a flat as well and want to have a fun, positive, open minded roommate, please let me know. I'm tidy, friendly and sure we will get along.

Maybe it would be easier to find a flat together. Also, the location should be close to University of Porto (20min walking distance or a bit more is fine). Basically city centre. Moreover, I'm not looking for a specific roommate, just someone to be as positive as me so we can have some fun together! :) 

You can easily drop a message if you have an available room or you want to buddy up for the search. 

Resultaat 1-1 van 1 inschrijvingen


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