Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

hello everyone!

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Hello everyone,

My name is Julia. I'm going to Oporto next semester starting from February 2015!

I'm open to any new acquaintances and would appreciate any suggestions, hints or helpful tips which might come in handy during my coming 5/6 months long stay in Oporto!

See ya,


Wherever you need just ask here! You can easily find a place to stay in the fb groups of erasmus in Porto and I recommend you to go to the E S N website and register to get a buddy that will help out when you arrive :)

hello Julia :)
I am a student and live in the house where I have a very large room, 5minutes from the city center, with all transport 1 minute :)
if you need accommodation, send message.
 very cheap price :)
Rui Silva

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