Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Moving to Madrid! September 2017

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Hi! I'm Mexican and i'm moving to Madrid to study my second career (fashion design) in IADE. I'll like to get in contact with other international students going to Madrid this year. I love house music and partying :)

I'm also a clinical psychologist who love deep conversations! 


Hey! I'm Holly, a London student (taking Politics and Spanish).. about to start at Carlos III in September.. I'm trying to make some contacts before I go.. house music and partying plus deep cnvos... sounds like we could get along.

When do you arrive in Madrid??

Hello! I'm Amanda, polish student (finance and accounting). I'm arriving at the end of August in Madrid. Looking for friends, what about a meeting? 

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