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Erasmus 2020/21

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El año que viene estudiaré derecho en Cracrovia, estaria guay ir hablando con gente que también irá de Erasmus, así que si te apetece comentar los nervios y las ganas, ya sabes!

Hi, I'm french and I will be studying linguistics in September for a year ;) I would like to know a little group of people to party and relax sometimes !  I will be living next to Kazimierz :)

Hi! I'm Spanish and I'll be in Krakow during the first semester studying Computer Science, if this Coronavirus situation allows me. I still don't know where I'll be staying, I applied for a University dorm, bc it's the cheapest option, but we'll see if they even give me a place there. 

I'd love to make an international group to party and chill too! And practise my English if possible!!

Can't wait to be there! :P

Resultaat 1-3 van 3 inschrijvingen


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