Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus GDANKS

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Hola, soy Ana Hernández de España. El curso 2014-2015 me voy a hacer el erasmus allí y me gustaria saber si, despues de que te asignen la habitación, cuando llegas alli a que hora puedes recoger la llave de tu habitación o como la recoges? Alguien sabe algo de esto? Muchas gracias!!!

Hi I saw your advertise and I was wondering if you would  like to share a room with me because it's a lot cheaper! I'm used to share rooms sinse in college I was always in college dorms.I'm from Portugal and I'm going to the third year of architecture and I'm 23years old. The appartement is really nice. If you want anymore information please contact me back.

Hi. I'm looking for room or something for the 1. semster, so if anyone know anyone or some place, pleace contact me. :D

Resultaat 1-3 van 3 inschrijvingen


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