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WhatsApp Group Firenze 2024/2025 (and others)

Resultaat 41-60 van 69 inschrijvingen

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Hey, can you please add me to the group? Thank you!

Holaa!! Me lo podrías mandar porfa???

Hi, can you someone add me too? Thanks! 

Hi, can you someone add me too? Thanks! 

Hey, can someone add me to this group too? :)

Can I be added as well? :D

hey, can you please send me the link to the groups, thanks!!

Hola, me podrian añadir porfaaa

Hello, can you please add me to the group?

can someone add me to this group ?

Hello, could you send me the link to the spanish group 24/25 please?

Hello, can i be added to the group?? :)

hello, can i be added to this group? Thanks

Heeey I'm doing my Erasmus on the second semester. Can you add me to the group please?

hi! could you send me the link to the spanish group of Erasmus in Florence flor 2024/2025? thank you.

Hi ! I'm Amaury, I'm french and I will join you at Firenze in 2025. Can you add me in the group please ?

Hi, my name is Caren. I will be in Florence in the second semester of 2024/2025. Could you send me the link to the group please? :) 

Hi, can you add me in the group please? I arrive in the second quarter with a internship scholarship to Florence

Hi, my name is Adam. I am in Florence now in the first semester of 2024/2025. Is it possible that you send me the link to the group please?  

Heeey I'm doing my Erasmus on the second semester. Can you add me to the group please?

Resultaat 41-60 van 69 inschrijvingen

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