asli esme
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
thanks a lot Urška:) yellow rooms are for 4 people. it is hard to live with 4 people for me:( i wonder ,is physics department of firenze university closed to evergreenresidence?
Cátia Filipa
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hey I'm Cátia from Portugal and I'll be studing in Firenze next september. I cant speak italian at all :D
Alicja Rzew
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hey, I'm Alicja form Poland. I am going to start studying in Florence in September 2011. ( Faculty of Economy ).
I've already wrote to this place on Urška's recommendation. They told me that there are still free places. I haven't decided yet.
Maybe someone of you is going to ERASMUS LANGUAGE COURSE in Perugia, Venice or Siena in August?
Can't wait to be there!
Rommel Sofia
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hello everyone. I will be studying in Florence for a year this Jan 2012, and would be great to meet students like me. Ciao!
Simona Duhárová
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hi! I am Simonka, and I am from Slovakia. I will study economics in Florence from September 2011. I would like to meet new people and also I am looking for a people with I can share a flat. I speak english and italian. If you want conatact me in facebook or mail adress [email protected]. I am looking forward to you :)
David Correia
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hi, I'm David From Lisbon, Portugal.
I'm going to florence in september to study architecture, I'm looking for an apartment to rent with friends &/or urges erasmus studens.
I've searched in a lot of sites including this one and only found very expensive ones..
If anyone could point me to a good site, or give me any information i would be very gratefull!
Thanks, David
Alicja Rzew
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hi David. People from university sent me some useful sites, on which you can find accomodation.
I haven't use them because I reserved place in evergreen(about which we spoke before).
Florence Student Point
viale Gramsci, 9/A - 50132 Firenze
phone 0039-055.2261366; fax 0039-055.2261368
e-mail [email protected]
Opening hours: Mondays – Fridays 10 am – 5 pm
This office offers incoming foreign student’s reception services, as well as information concerning accommodation, including a list of landlords.
Youth Hostels
Upon arrival, students can stay for a maximum of three nights at the following youth hostels:
Ostello della Gioventù Villa Camerata
Viale Augusto Righi, 214 - 50137 Firenze
Phone: 0039-055.601451 - fax 0039-055.610300).
Ostello Santa Monaca
Via S. Monaca, 6 - 50124 Firenze
Phone: 0039-055.268338 - fax 0039-055.280185.
Hostel Harmony
Via Guido Monaco 34 – 50144 Firenze
[email protected]
Clara Supico
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hi! I am Clara, i'm an international relations student, from portugal! I will be studying internation relations in Firenze next year, and like many people here, I am searching for a flat and, eventually, housemates.. if someone is interested or have some contacts, please tell me!! ([email protected])
Thank you :)
berta perez
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
hi i´m berta from spain! next year i´ll be in firenze studying medicine. i´d really like to meet some people from other countries and if it´s possible to share a flat with them. :)
Carlota Rebelo
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hello! I'm Carlota and I'm from Portugal! I'll be studing in Florence from September 2011 untill February 2012. I'll be in Università degli studi di Firenze - Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia!
I'm trying to find a room, or someone who wish to share a flat. Does anyone knows any information? Accommodation is being a huge problem!
Many thanks!
ekn zzcelik
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Ciao! Berta. I will be studying medicine in Firenze too. Which year will you be studying? I will do my internship. I will start in the beginning of september 2011 till end of may 2012. :)
lalo vazquez
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hi, i´m Lalo from Mexico, I´ll be stuyding in Florence from August 2011 until June 2012..I applied to Lorenzo de Medici school.
I´m trying to find a room and people to share a flat, and meet people from different countries, if someone has more information will be useful. I´m arriving the first week of august to Florence to start searching for a flat or a room.
If someone is interested contact me
([email protected])
berta perez
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
hi ekin!i´m goint to be at 5th year but it´s a kind of mixture subjects...haha. i´m so nervous because i don´t know so much italian! have you pick the clinical rotations? :)
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hola, un saludo desde Córdoba (Andalucía). Os invitamos a visitar esta ciudad y a mejorar vuestro nivel de español en nuestra escuela.
ana bragado
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hi!! my name is Ana and I am from Spain. Next september I am moving on :) and I will be in florence for 10 months. I would like to learn Italian and improve my english. don't hesitate and contact me!! you can find me in facebook
vicente pérez
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hello, we are three students from the school of architecture of Seville, Spain and we'll be in Florence during the year 2011-12.
We already have a great flat, with 4 bedrooms, one of them is for two people and for now it is available. This room would be 600 euros, or what is the same,
300 euros per person, plus 45 euros (water and light).
The flat is very good, 5 minutes from la Piazza de la Signoria or the cathedral. All the rooms are big and the kitchen and bathrooms are well equippied.
The address is Martiri del Popolo 25, Firenze. We don´t mind boys, girls, couples...
My e-mail is [email protected], if you are interested, please write to me.
pablo lopez
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
My name is pablo and I'm from spain. I'm going to study industrial engeenering in Firenze in September and I will stay there for a year. I really want to meet some new people of every place who will be there too,i can speack english (not very well) and italina too, I'm learning it now.
I'm looking for a shared flat (if can be, in the domo's area will be a excellent place), so, if you need a good parner, of corse contact me, jejeje.
ciao a tutti!!
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
I'm Joanna and I'm Polish, I will be in Florence this september. It would be great to share the flat with other erasmus students!
My italian is definitely better than my english, so I think that erasmus could be perfect opportunity to organize an international apartment just to practice more languages and also to get to know each other.
Don't hesitate to contact me, whether to look for an apartment together or just to organize something in Florence :)
Alicia Lozano
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Hi! I'm Alicia, from Spain. I'm going to Florence from september to december. I'd like to meet other students from other nationalities.
I'm looking for rent a flat or something like this, if any of you are interested tell me!!
Clara Supico
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Boy-student with long hair, guitar player, good cook, hipster and nice to talk to - to share a house with two portuguese girls and a Spanish boy (a good wing man, we hope).
Contact [email protected]