Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Dublin (August 2012)

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Hi all,

I'm a Spanish boy and I'm going to study in the UCD until February. 

I'm going to go Dublin the 1st August and I'd like to meet somebody who are going to stay there in August too.

If you are interested send me a message.



I'm a french guy, i just arrived today in Dublin,I don't know anybody and i'm looking for people to meet.

Do you already know other erasmus people ? It could be nice to have a drink !


Hello !

I'm a french girl, going to study Photography in Dublin. There's a few days that I'm here, and I don't know anybody. I'm looking for people to meet to ! It would be nice to drink a beer !

Thanks !

Goodbye !


Resultaat 1-3 van 3 inschrijvingen


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