Sophia Parks

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flag-gr Grecia

Coinquilini Sophia

  • 22 year old girl, looking for accommodation or flatmates in Paris

    Hi everyone I am Sophia! I am a 22 year old from Greece and California. Studying politics, philosophy, and economics in Paris. Looking for accomodation with a budget of 600-1000 euros and am open to flatmates.  Currently working in the 6eme so I am looking for...

    un anno fa
  • Looking for Roommates to rent near the beach

    I dont know how to add a photo but I swear I am normal:) Hi! I am an american student who has lived in Athens for a few years now and am looking to find a place by the beach with roommates (only girls!!) for the summer. While I typically live in the city during the rest...

    2 anni fa

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