Sakshi Nair

Lavoro per studenti di Sakshi

  • Editor

    Babylon is a multicultural site with information about living in Ireland, a web radio, fresh articles, and events. It is an exciting opportunity for those who are looking for some hands-on experience.  The internship is for a minimum of 3 months, and it is unpaid.  We...

    5 mesi fa
  • Graphic Designer

    Babylon is a multicultural site which integrates non-Irish people into Ireland. We have four main components: Informational content, radio, fresh journalistic content and events.The internship is for a minimum period of  three months and the position is unpaid at the...

    5 mesi fa
  • Web Developer Job

    Web Developer Job description Babylon is a multicultural site with information about living in Ireland, a web radio, fresh articles, and events. It is an exciting opportunity for those who are looking for some hands-on experience.  The internship is for a minimum of 3...

    5 mesi fa

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