
Master in Tourism and Environment

Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)

  • Posizione Leiria, Portogallo
  • Tipo di Laurea MA
  • Data d'inizio 02/09/2021
  • Durata 2 years
  • Scadenza iscrizioni Request info
  • Lingua Portoghese
  • Frequenza Presenziale
  • Frequenza Part-time
  • Ritmo Formazione guidata
  • Tasse di iscrizione 1040 €

Descrizione del corso


The major challenges development of tourism in Portugal are deeply linked to sustainability and tourist environment in an Economic, Social, Cultural and Ecological perspective. These are areas of scientific knowledge crucial to one of the great purposes of this course that aims to equip future Masters students with knowledge and tools that enable them to achieve on the ground diversification, differentiation and sustainable development of tourism offerings. Contribute to affirm and promote the Portuguese Tourism in a holistic sustainability logic is one of the great goals that presides over this cycle of studies that also aims to be the introducer of new ideas and new products and services in the national / international market through the creation of self-employment.

Conditions of admission

- Holders of a degree or legal equivalent in the areas of Tourism, Management and related areas;

- Holders of a foreign academic degree following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna process in the area of Tourism, Management and related areas;

- Holders of a foreign degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of a degree by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESTM in the areas of Tourism, Management and related areas;

- Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curricula who is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESTM.

The grading will be done according to the 37th article of the General Regulations of the Graduate Education and Graduate student at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria and Procedures Applicable to Students in Special Situations.

  • Verificato Master
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Master ‣ Politécnico de Leiria

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