Master in Cultural Management
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Posizione Leiria, Portogallo
Tipo di Laurea MA
Data d'inizio 02/09/2021
Durata 2 years
Scadenza iscrizioni Request info
Lingua Portoghese
Frequenza Presenziale
Frequenza Part-time
Ritmo Formazione guidata
Tasse di iscrizione 1140 €
Descrizione del corso
The Master in Cultural Management (henceforth designated as MCM) provides a conceptual framework and references in the areas related with the mission of a cultural manager, based on the systematic approach to the management of cultural and artistic projects. Therefore, allows the development of skills and the acquisition of in-depth knowledge for a qualified professional practice in the cultural and creative sector in its global and local contexts of the production and circulation of cultural goods, emphasizing the processes of urban planning and regeneration and the emerging creative industries. Highlighting the professional character of the MCM, the learning environment develops itself through active and participant research methodologies focusing contemporary and qualified institutional practices, providing the acquisition of specific skills in cultural management, both for the formulation of projects or in daily management of a range of diversified cultural organizations.
Conditions of admission
May apply to the master in cultural management (henceforth designated as MCM):
a) Holders of a BA degree or equivalent in the areas of culture, arts, social sciences, management, administration, economics, information technology and related areas;
b) Holders of a foreign academic graduation degree, organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by an adherent State;
c) Holders of a foreign BA degree, recognized as relevant by the Technical-Scientific Council of ESAD. CR;
d) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this programme by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESAD. CR.
International Student
All information related to the international student application should be consulted on our International Students webpage.