Master in Pedagogical use of ICT
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Posizione Leiria, Portogallo
Tipo di Laurea MA
Data d'inizio 02/09/2021
Durata 2 years
Scadenza iscrizioni Request info
Lingua Portoghese
Frequenza Mista
Frequenza Part-time
Ritmo Formazione guidata
Tasse di iscrizione 1140 €
Descrizione del corso
Course presentation
There has been remarkable evolution in terms of the possibilities of being able to use ICTs (Information and Comunication Technologies) in formal and nonformal educational contexts. ICTs currently represent a field that is characterised by a growing diversity of the means of use that facilitate innovative learning situations and the development of skills in different areas. The processes of integrating ICTs into curricula presupposes a change in conventional practices, which consequently means that teachers need to have an in-depth knowledge and a critical perspective of the possibilities, limits and implications of the pedagogical use of these technologies. This need to train teachers has been recognised by Ordinance No. 731/2009, which created the Training and Certification System for ICT Skills for teachers. This Master’s programme aims to promote the expansion and development of skills amongst teachers so as to be able to use ICTs as a pedagogical resource from a perspective of educational research and innovation.
This programme aims to promote the following skills
-To know how to use and apply a large variety of web technologies and classroom technologies in professional contexts, by means of experience;
-To understand the main pedagogical theories and models associated with the pedagogical use of ICTs and to become acquainted with the real implications that the use of ICTs could have on learning by students;
-To know how to analyse and select the technological resources that are most suitable for each pedagogical situation;
-To know how to manage experiences and reflections from the perspective of research and with a view to sharing and collaborating with the educational community;
-To know how to analyse and evaluate studies and research methodologies linked to the use of educational technologies and to apply this knowledge in concrete research projects;
-To be able to engage in life long learning in an autonomous and reflective manner.