
Master in Arts of Sound and Image

Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)

  • Posizione Leiria, Portogallo
  • Tipo di Laurea MA
  • Data d'inizio 15/09/2021
  • Durata 2 years
  • Scadenza iscrizioni 02/09/2021
  • Lingua Portoghese
  • Frequenza Presenziale
  • Frequenza Part-time
  • Ritmo Formazione guidata
  • Tasse di iscrizione 1140 €

Descrizione del corso

The Master in Arts of Sound and Image wants to provide a solid, broad and indepth background for creators who wish to define a singular artistic practice within the audio-visual arts, to explore flexible models of production and create an approach focused in the chosen artistic strategies, either in a specialized area, or in the passages between several fields.

The Master aims to cover a wide range of expressive modes: from film and video, whether fiction, documentary, film essay or experimental cinema and animation, to the sonic arts and photography, without beeing limited to them. The emphasis of the degree leans toward neither fixed professional formulas nor mere technical expertise, but rather toward a creative and critical engagement over the entire working process. Each student produces an audiovisual work, followed by a report, developed in an interdisciplinary context which aims to provide the technical, formal and conceptual skills appropriated to each project.


  • Enabling specific skills for innovation in the several developing stages of the project in Arts of Sound and Image: in research methodologies, writing processes, structures of working and production, exhibition and display strategies;
  • Promoting students’ autonomy for technological experimentation having in sight the needs of each project;
  • Extending the expertise of technical skills in film and video, photography and the sonic arts;
  • Developing a proper discursive strategy capable of communicating the artist’s own decisions with the public,

    technicians, producers, curators and other cultural agents;

  • Encouraging the development of a singular working methodology, able to articulate critical skills and material

    expression in the context of the heterogeneous panorama of contemporary audio-visual technologies;

  • Encouraging the involvement in the interdisciplinarity of the curriculum while concentrating on a chosen

    disciplinary area.

Curricular Plan

Conditions of admission

May apply to the master in Arts of Sound and Image (henceforth designated as MASI):

  • a) Holders of a BA degree or equivalent in Sound and Image, Cinema and in similar degrees or in artistic and

    related areas;

  • b) Holders of a foreign academic graduation degree, organized according to the principles of the Bologna

    Process by an adherent State;

  • c) Holders of a foreign BA degree, recognized as relevant by the Technical Scientific Council of ESAD. CR;
  • d) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, recognized as attesting the capacity to carry

    out this programme by the Technical Scientific Council of ESAD. CR.

International Student

All information related to the international student application should be consulted on our International Students webpage.

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Master ‣ Politécnico de Leiria

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