Liepaja University (LIEPU)
Posizione Liepaja, Lettonia
Tipo di Laurea Master
Data d'inizio No info
Durata No info
Scadenza iscrizioni No info
Lingua Inglese
Frequenza Presenziale
Frequenza Full-time
Ritmo Formazione guidata
Tasse di iscrizione No info
Descrizione del corso
The competitive advantages of the study programme “Ecotechnologies” and the specific niche in the field of sustainable development of higher professional education is determined by consequent implementation of the interdisciplinary principle, making accents on the social and humanitarian dimension, which often is ignored, but actualization of which is a significant condition for implementation of consumptive, Eco-technological lifestyle, enriching of multifunctional spectrum of ecotechnologies and keeping traditional cultural environment. Integration of holistic and post-modern paradigm principles into the programme stimulate creation of Eco-Innovations and development processes of knowledge society.
Programme structure
Main subjects are: Environmental science and management, Ecology and Development of Ecotechnologies, Systems of Environment Technologies, Interdisciplinary Environment Economics, Social anthropology in Environment studies, Management of innovations and Eco-Innovation, etc.
Career opportunities
State institutions, municipalities, entrepreneurship, consulting companies, research