Masters in Giornalismo
OnlineMAMA Screenwriting (online)
Central Film School (CFS)‣ Londra , Regno Unito
2 years
5200 £
Designed to allow you to study from anywhere in the world, this online, part time MA Screenwriting course develops and nurtures screenwriters and prepares them for the professional film and television industries.
Tags: Master a Londra Online, Master a Central Film School Online, Master a Regno Unito Online, Master a Scrivere sceneggiature Online, Master a Studi cinematografici Online, Master a Giornalismo Online,
MAMA Filmmaking
Central Film School (CFS)‣ Londra , Regno Unito
1 year
10400 £
The MA Filmmaking course develops and nurtures independent filmmakers and prepares them for the professional film industry.
Tags: Master a Londra, Master a Central Film School, Master a Regno Unito, Master a Produzione cinematografica, Master a Studi cinematografici, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterMáster MBA Audiovisual
Escuela de Negocios y Administración de Empresas (ENAE)‣ Murcia , Spagna
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10 mesi
8900 €
Formación de profesionales capaces de llevar a cabo cualquier producto audiovisual, desde su creación y desarrollo, diseño financiero y de producción, hasta su financiación y posterior distribución en mercados audiovisuales internacionales.
Tags: Master a Murcia, Master a Escuela de Negocios y Administración de Empresas, Master a Spagna, Master a Comunicazione audiovisiva, Master a Comunicazione, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterWriting School for Cinema & Television - Major of the Master in Media and Entertainment
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Roma , Italia
1 year
14000 €
How to recognize patterns, narrative structures and recurring themes in the free creative force of what attracts, amuses, surprises and moves us. The design, writing and realization, in all its phases, of a short film or the pilot of a series.
Tags: Master a Roma, Master a Luiss Business School Roma, Master a Italia, Master a Media e comunicazione, Master a Media, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterMBA in Film Production
European School of Economics - Milan Campus (ESE Milan)‣ Milano , Italia
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1 year
35000 €
Build your career in the film and entertainment industry.
Tags: Master a Milano, Master a European School of Economics - Milan Campus, Master a Italia, Master a Produzione di film, Master a Studi cinematografici, Master a Giornalismo,
MAMA in Media Studies
Mary Immaculate College (MIC-UL)‣ Limerick , Irlanda
1 year
10805 €
The MA Media Studie enables graduate students to develop a deeper understanding of the field.
Tags: Master a Limerick, Master a Mary Immaculate College, Master a Irlanda, Master a Media e comunicazione, Master a Media, Master a Giornalismo,
MAMaster in Communication and Media
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portogallo
2 years
1140 €
This Master aims to provide graduates with an integrated set of dynamic skills,
Tags: Master a Leiria, Master a Politécnico de Leiria, Master a Portogallo, Master a Gestione dei Media, Master a Media, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterCinema e Audiovisual
Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP)‣ Porto , Portogallo
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A licenciatura em Cinema e Audiovisual apresenta-se como um percurso educativo aberto, sendo o processo cinematográfico explorado no âmbito da prática artística e na produção de obras.
Tags: Master a Porto, Master a Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Master a Portogallo, Master a Comunicazione audiovisiva, Master a Comunicazione, Master a Giornalismo,
MAIntegrated Media Communication
CAPPIELLO - Accademia di Design & Comunicazione (CAPPIELLO)‣ Firenze , Italia
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3750 €
Il Master in Integrated Media Communication (MIMC) è stato progettato per chi vuole accrescere le competenze in un contesto dei media in rapida evoluzione, affrontandone gli aspetti creativi e tecnici.
Tags: Master a Firenze, Master a CAPPIELLO - Accademia di Design & Comunicazione, Master a Italia, Master a Media e comunicazione, Master a Media, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterMestrado em Realização – Cinema e Televisão
Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP)‣ Porto , Portogallo
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O curso de mestrado em Realização – Cinema e Televisão visa proporcionar um conhecimento aprofundado de orientações teóricas, críticas, metodológicas e técnicas no domínio da Realização, tanto de Cinema como de Televisão.
Tags: Master a Porto, Master a Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Master a Portogallo, Master a Produzione televisiva, Master a Studi sulla televisione, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterSocial Media Management and Digital Commerce Master
Collegium Civitas (CC)‣ Varsavia , Polonia
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6350 zł
Collegium Civitas’ Social Media Management & Digital Commerce programme offers students 14 courses essential to successfully working in today’s Marketing, Communications, Web and Mobile Technology arenas.
Tags: Master a Varsavia, Master a Collegium Civitas, Master a Polonia, Master a Social media, Master a Media, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterPós-Graduação em Arte Sonora e Media Arte
Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP)‣ Porto , Portogallo
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A Pós-Graduação em Arte Sonora e Media Arte tem como objetivo a aquisição pelos alunos dos conhecimentos e competências comuns.
Tags: Master a Porto, Master a Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Master a Portogallo, Master a Media e design, Master a Media, Master a Giornalismo,
OnlineMasterIntercultural Business Communication
EMUNI University (EMUNI)‣ Pirano , Slovenia
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The Master’s Degree in Intercultural Business Communication is an interdisciplinary study programme offering knowledge and skills to support the communication of market actors (enterprises and non-profit organisations)
Tags: Master a Pirano Online, Master a EMUNI University Online, Master a Slovenia Online, Master a Comunicazione d'Impresa Online, Master a Comunicazione Online, Master a Giornalismo Online,
MAMA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education
University of Manchester (MANCHESTER)‣ Manchester , Regno Unito
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MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education
Tags: Master a Manchester, Master a University of Manchester, Master a Regno Unito, Master a Social media, Master a Media, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterMusic - Major of the Master in Media and Entertainment
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Roma , Italia
1 year
14000 €
All the skills to work in the music sector: music writing and composition, music business management, production and arrangement, artist management, design of musical events. Participants will be provided with tools to understand the music industry.
Tags: Master a Roma, Master a Luiss Business School Roma, Master a Italia, Master a Media e comunicazione, Master a Media, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterPós-Graduação em Cinema e Audiovisuais
Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP)‣ Porto , Portogallo
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A Pós-Graduação em Cinema e Audiovisuais apresenta um programa que pretende desenvolver uma aproximação crítica e criativa ao cinema, através das suas múltiplas direções e modos de produção.
Tags: Master a Porto, Master a Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Master a Portogallo, Master a Comunicazione audiovisiva, Master a Comunicazione, Master a Giornalismo,
MasterGestione della Produzione Cinematografica e Televisiva - Major of the Master in Media and Entertainment
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Roma , Italia
1 year
14000 €
The Major provides advanced training for the management and commercial development of film, television and audiovisual achievements, combining technical and artistic knowledge with managerial skills.
Tags: Master a Roma, Master a Luiss Business School Roma, Master a Italia, Master a Produzione televisiva, Master a Studi sulla televisione, Master a Giornalismo,