Masters in Francia
MasterMaster in Computer Science
Université Paris-Saclay (PARIS-SACLAY)‣ Parigi , Francia
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L'objectif de la mention informatique est de former des professionnel maîtrisant les fondements théoriques de l'informatique, les différents concepts et les outils mis en oeuvre dans les systèmes informatiques d'aujourd'hui et de demain.
Tags: Master a Parigi, Master a Université Paris-Saclay, Master a Francia, Master a Sviluppo web, Master a Scienze informatiche, Master a Tecnologia,
MScMSc. in Project Management
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Clermont-Ferrand (ESC Clermont)‣ Clermont-Ferrand , Francia
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MSc. in Project Management
Tags: Master a Clermont-Ferrand, Master a Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Clermont-Ferrand, Master a Francia, Master a Project Management, Master a MBA Management,
MasterMaster’s in Nuclear Energy (Nuclear Engineering)
Université Paris-Saclay (PARIS-SACLAY)‣ Parigi , Francia
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International Master’s which aims to provide high calibre foreign and French students with the key knowledge necessary for the nuclear industry and the production of low-carbon electricity.
Tags: Master a Parigi, Master a Université Paris-Saclay, Master a Francia, Master a Ingegneria dell'energia nucleare, Master a Ingegneria energetica, Master a Studi dell'Energia,
MasterMaster’s in Complex System Engineering (ISC)
Université Paris-Saclay (PARIS-SACLAY)‣ Parigi , Francia
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This Master's degree is at the interface between applied mathematics, computer science, operations research, mechanics, automation, economics, management and management of design and production tools
Tags: Master a Parigi, Master a Université Paris-Saclay, Master a Francia, Master a Ingegneria industriale, Master a Ingegneria,