Academic Master in Photography and Visual Design
Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA)
Posizione Milano, Italia
Tipo di Laurea Master
Data d'inizio No info
Durata No info
Scadenza iscrizioni No info
Lingua Inglese
Frequenza Presenziale
Frequenza Full-time
Ritmo Formazione guidata
Tasse di iscrizione No info
Descrizione del corso
The Academic Master is an annual programme aimed to prepare groundbreaking professionals to enter the world of the contemporary photography: photographers, curators and editors. The educational approach considers the photography as a whole with a particular complexity, without any differences between the medium categories and practices, enabling students to acquire diversified skills to manage the photography as such a stratified language.
- Department: Visual Arts
- Area: Visual Arts
- Title Awarded: First Level Academic Master Degree
- Credits: 60 CFA
- Starting: October 2021
- Duration: 1 year
- Languages: Italian and English
- Campus: Milan
Over the AM, students will have the opportunity to:
- Acquire solid historical and cultural knowledge
- Develop the technical and practical skills necessary for success in national and international markets
- Learn a number of professional methods and presentation techniques that will be useful in the working environment
Study Plan
The Academic Master is an intensive course of study aimed at the advanced professionalisation of students, leading them to define their skills and enter in dialogue with the jobs market, through theoretical courses, workshops, field trips and an internship period.
The first part of the programme give the students an in-depth knowledge of the field and analyse the contemporary status of the photographic image, through the main courses in history of photography,
digital photography, project methodology of visual communication, photo documentation, phenomenology of image, computer graphic. The second part of the programne is dedicated to intensive workshops and to the internship in collaboration with partner companies and institutions.
Study and career opportunities
Study abroad programmes
NABA provides students with the opportunity to study abroad as part of their academic experience.
NABA Academic Coordination Office, in charge for the management of the exchange programmes, supports students in taking advantage of the international study opportunities through exchange programmes and promoting educational experiences thanks to a network including numerous prestigious international partner universities.
NABA counts more than 70 cooperation agreements with academies and universities through the Erasmus+ Programme in Europe and others international cooperation agreements with several universities outside Europe.
Companies and institutions placement
NABA has developed strong relationships with leading companies that provide internships for NABA students
The Master in Photography and Visual Design cooperates or has cooperated with Canon, Condé Nast, Contrasto, De Agostini, Fabbrica el Vapore, Fotografi Senza Frontiere, Frieze, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Guggenheim Museum Venice, Mack Books, Magnum Photos, Mondadori, Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea, Ogilvy & Mather, Paradox Amsterdam, Piccolo Teatro di Milano, RCS Quotidiani, Skira, and the World Wide Fund of Nature.
After the Academic Master
Continue your academic career:
- Master of Arts in Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies
Kick-off your career. Among the career opportunities:
- Photographer for advertising, fashion, architecture, art
- Curator and cultural operator, event manager for photographic exhibitions, fairs, and festivals
- Photo editor and image consultant for companies and publishing houses
- Photo research specialist and archivist for image banks and stock photography agencies