Master in Marine Resources Biotechnology
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Posizione Leiria, Portogallo
Tipo di Laurea MSc
Data d'inizio 02/09/2021
Durata 2 years
Scadenza iscrizioni Request info
Lingua Portoghese
Frequenza Presenziale
Frequenza Part-time
Ritmo Formazione guidata
Tasse di iscrizione 1140 €
Descrizione del corso
Course presentation - Why choose this program?
The development associated to the biotechnology and the advent of genetic engineering and development of new tools made possible the great momentum of this area, which is now at the forefront of the 21st century. Marine environments are one of the last frontiers of the globe, still underexplored, and we can anticipate exciting discoveries in the biotechnology area of marine resources. The program provides the acquisitions of practical skills underpinned by solid theoretical knowledge, necessary for you to pursue a successful career in the area.
In the present Master Program we aim at providing you with advanced training in the area of Biotechnology, with application to the Marine Resources, seeking to apply current knowledge of modern marine biology and biotechnology to the study, protection and development of marine resources.
Conditions of admission
- Holders of an academic bachelor’s degree following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna process in the area of Marine Biology and Biotechnology, and related areas;
- Holders of a bachelor’s degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of a degree by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESTM in the area of marine biology and biotechnology or related areas;
- Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curricula who is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESTM.
English Language Proficiency.