Mgdlena R Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi :)
Does anyone tried to find out how it looks like with accomodation? Is it better to rent sth by yourself or trying to get a room from university?
Tuğba İmamoğlu Scritto 12 anni fa
hi. :)
university rooms are cheaper i think.. if you want to rent a room by yourself pirece is starting with 350 euro.. that is what i see. :)
Mgdlena R Scritto 12 anni fa
thanks :) But u know, if there is some possibilty that erasmus students wouldn't get place in the university rooms?
Of course our uni had to scare us this way, so :P
Giulia Julipet Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi there! I study in Turin and it is impossible to find a place in university rooms, because these kind of rooms are reservated to people that study permanently here not for erasmus.. anyway you can try and you should write to Edisu Piemonte :) The best thing is to come here 10-14 days before your lesson begin and find a room. There are a lot of announcement posted in your university wall or in the libraries, so it shouldn't be so difficul..I know a polish erasmus girl and, if you want, I can give you her Facebook contact you can speak to her to have a help!
These are some websites where you can find a room:
Have a nice day!
Maria Maria Scritto 12 anni fa
I stayed the first month on an university room and then I found a nice appartment in the city center. I think the best thing you can do is to find an appartment here is the link where I found mine
good luck and enjoy Torino!!
Mgdlena R Scritto 12 anni fa
Thank u both for the links !
But how much u paid for the room (single/double?) Estefanny?
Maria Maria Scritto 12 anni fa
Well it all depends, but I payed in the Students residence about 280 E for month including everything and sharing room, and in the other appartment I shared room too but I payed 230 E for month but not including the GAS and ELECTRICITY. I had a friend that rented a "monolocale" (an appartment for just one person) and payed about 350 o 400 E.
I think that if you rent a room on an appartment you can choose with who you want to live, and if you go to the students risedence they will put in a random appartment! There's one that is too far from everything called "sponda verde" this one I think is the best to meet people but as i said it's too far from the city center and also from the university.
Mgdlena R Scritto 12 anni fa
but for example if I rent a room in winter, I'll have to pay separetly for heating, no?
As I know in Cracow it's usually a lot if u don't live in block of flats and u don't have central heating.
And how big were the bills while u lived in flat, more or less?
You're from architecture? Cause I'd have some quesitons about what to choose to 'Learning Agreement' : )
Maria Maria Scritto 12 anni fa
ahhhh yes you are right!! it's about 20 or 30 more euros I can't remember it well.
When I was in Torino I payed 230 per month plus the electricity, gas, heat and it was in 2008 - 2009 (when the Crisis come to the world) haha
and yes, I am from Arch. Which are your questions??
Mgdlena R Scritto 12 anni fa
ah, sweet Poland, here my bills (water, eletrcity and gas) are like 12 euro max xD
Hm, do u want me advise some subjects which are there ? :D
Are there many drawing/art lessons? I think it's the easiest to pass since I can't use italian fluenty yet.
and and and ....Architecture has there just one building or I have to run around all Torino to different places?
Maria Maria Scritto 12 anni fa
well you are not going to pay for the water, but for both gas and electricity more or less 20 euros :D
about the subjetcts
Disegno dal vero - you only need to have an sketch book with some good drawins and at the end you are going to have a good grade.
Torino, the city and it's architectures - this course is in english with Sergio Pace, one of the best courses I ever had... you are going to have lessons in the room and others walking around the city, it's a good way to know the city, the culture and the history of torino through the architecture. (it's in the 2nd Faculty of Arch but as you are Erasmus you can mix courses from both Faculties)
I love museums so I take 2 courses of museografy this are good too!!
About the Architecture campus there are 2, one is in the "Castello del Valentino" in the city center you are going to take most of the courses here, and there are other courses in the other campus!! but it's easy to get there with the tram.
Mgdlena R Scritto 12 anni fa
o thanks, that's useful :D
and when starts the winter period?
I heard middle of October, right?
Maria Maria Scritto 12 anni fa
no, September and I think you would need to arrive at least one or two weeks before the period starts because they are going to give you Italian lessons
Fábio Pinheiro Scritto 12 anni fa
hello, I'm from Portugal and i have some questions about the university.I´m going in the fourth year, first semester. I'd like to know more about the course and subjects. Any help ... :)
Mgdlena R Scritto 12 anni fa
I'll share inf I know:
All told me not to care what I choose for LA, cause quite often the chosen subjects are not avaible : P
University loads you some points which u can use in printing house.
Practically they don't have sth like 'dealine'
Maria José Scritto 12 anni fa
Next year i will be in Torino on exchange,i also study Architecture, fourth year. I have some questions abot the subjects to choose, i must do any subject about Projects, so I'm thinking to take "Laboratorio di Progettazione III, which is the only one active this year. Could you please how these kinds subjects work in Polito?Would you recommend me to do it or not?
About the accomodation, i would be interested in sharing a flat with other non- Spanish Erasmus students to practise other languages, preferably English. Is there any web, apart from this, to look for that or should I go to Torino directly to search in the advertisements in the University?
Thanks =)
Sara García Scritto 12 anni fa
hi i and a friend of mine are going to study in torino all this year we are interested in one or two foreign people to live with us.
we want to live in the centre of torino or in san salvario.
IF there is someone who isn´t spanish and want to share a flat contact with me please.
Alessandro Palmieri Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi guys!
This is a new organization! Add us on Facebook and join our Buddy program!
Martin Cleary Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey guys,
Not sure if anyone is still using this but I am desperate for accommodation for 6 months in the San Salvario area, or in the city centre. I will be studying at the Politecnico (architecture, so really at Valentino) for 6 months so it has been difficult to find a place to rent for less than a year.
If there is anything you know of please let me know asap! I am in Turin now but I'm just so far away and in a really quiet place so seems quite boring...
By the way I'm Australian so my Italian is not so good...yet
Katarzyna Zielińska Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everyone! I'll be in Turin 13.09. I'll be studying an architecture too. I'm looking for a double room. If here is everyone who want to meet or have some information about a accomodation, please write me! At first I want to stay in hostel for a couple of days, and then rent something.
g mail: katterka