Aaron Barreto Scritto 13 anni fa
Welcome to forum Brian... 95 % people think Hostivar or Strahov are the best option for acommodation, I prefer sharing a flat... Hahaha! I live in a students collegue in Spain and sharing room isn't weird... Hahaha... My name is Aaron and nice to meet you!
PS: I'm terribly sorry for my bad English... I can speak it, but it's very difficult for me write it!
Brian Mc Scritto 13 anni fa
Nice to meet you too Aaron! no worries i'm terrible at languages too. i haven't lived at home for 2 years but i have always had my own room. I would much prefer a nice flat with others and my own room but campus would be cool! looking forward to prague it looks like a beautiful city
Aaron Barreto Scritto 13 anni fa
Yeah! It's very beautiful... Buildings, art, friends, beer,... Can you smell it in the air? It's Prague... Hahaha!
Patricia L Scritto 13 anni fa
Hey there Brian, I'm Patricia. Nice to meet you, and you're not the only one who wants his/her own room :P
panos kar Scritto 13 anni fa
yes that's it...the best option is to share a flat and have your own room...can you do that with ease?
btw hi Brian...welcome
Patricia L Scritto 13 anni fa
That's a good question Panos. I have no idea if it's easy to find a flat for a reasonable price.
panos kar Scritto 13 anni fa
^^ yes i think it's not difficult to find a flat with 2 rooms costing 300-400 euro /month....
so it's not even bad to pay half of them if you share this flat with someone else!!!
Anaïs Ramírez Scritto 13 anni fa
Hey hey
7 AM in the morning... coming from Barcelona. Getting used to crazy parties!
I do think the best option is to share a flat but after meeting some people while you live in Hostivar :)
Hi Brian! Nice to meet you!
Yanira GA Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi Brian!!^^
Brendan McLoughlin Scritto 13 anni fa
yeh Brian I feel the same way bout the room sharing!!! Would much prefer to live close to campus and have my own room than live on campus and have to share....I'm imagine the campus accom to be like a shitty larkfield, and lets face it, larkfield is pretty bad
Brendan McLoughlin Scritto 13 anni fa
oh btw, have you picked ur modules yet? the whole thing is very confusing!!
Clare Dunne Scritto 13 anni fa
HI guys! My name is Clare and I'm studying Business and Spanish in Trinity, Dublin. Going to Charles Uni next year but still not 100% sure whether I should go for the whole year or just the second semester! If I go for the second semester I'll be travelling in Asia in January so it;s a tough call! Just thought I'd say hi
Patricia L Scritto 13 anni fa
Hola Clare! Nice to meet you ;)
Zoraida Bejarano Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi!! Nice to meet you too! =)
Anaïs Ramírez Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi Clare! You will love Prague so maybe a semester is not enough!
Btw, we are a lot of Spaniards here if you want to practice your Spanish!
Brendan McLoughlin Scritto 13 anni fa
Hey Claire, I'm Brendan, studying in DCU. You should defo go for the full year!
Ana López Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi! I'm Amanda, from Barcelona! Somebody is going to Jan Amos Komensky University? I think that I will be the only one...But I want to be in a big residence like Hostivar!! Somebody rent me his room¿?! It's the best way to find parties all nights! :D Like almost all the spanish....my English is horrible! Sorry guys!
panos kar Scritto 13 anni fa
hi amanda...welcome...
we all want to live in hostivar especially share a flat with with our own rooms...
but first you have to meet and know some people in prague
so you choose your roommates:P...
Ana López Scritto 13 anni fa
But sharing a flat will be more expensive! First of all I want a residence...but my university don't have! :( Do you know any residence for student like me¿?!
Anaïs Ramírez Scritto 13 anni fa
Amanda I think you should try to contact Hostivar... maybe they will let you stay there (but probably it will be more expensive)