Georgieva Vanya
Scritto 14 anni fa
I will be in januari in Paris for 3 months. I will be in university Paris-Est, MArne-la- Vallee. IS there someone who will be there? :)))
MOhammad Tahir
Scritto 14 anni fa
Hi, greetings to all,
i want tolearn french language please guide me.thaanks
cris podaru
Scritto 14 anni fa
hey there! For those looking for accommodation, you can try at CITÉ INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITAIRE de Paris ( Here is the link where you can fill in the request: I was accepted and they wrote me back in 2 weeks. But I am not staying there as I have some friends that offered to put me up. Here are some other youth hostel were I got accepted, you can take a shot, as well.
Fondation Victor Lyon - [email protected] (part of Cité International)
Estudines Montreuil Saint Mande
cris podaru
Scritto 14 anni fa
my message is not entirely visible! I'm sorry :( I was saying that I have more links for you, if interested, send me a message and I will attach you a WORD doc with different places where O looked for accommodation.
Good luck!
PS: I'm coming to Paris 56 ( Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers = CNAM). Anyone? :)
Irina Nastase
Scritto 14 anni fa
hello:D!! is anyone going to Paris X nanterre???
Phil Tdm
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hey guys, I'll be in Paris from end of April to June and I have a free room. Send me a message if you're interested!
Marta Caballero
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi! I will go to Paris and I am looking for a flat with someone!
Magdalena Kaczorowska
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello! I'm going to Paris X Nanterre too!:) Nice to meet you guys!:)
Raimundo Henriques
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello, so is this forum for people coming to Paris or for people there are still in Paris? / Salut, ce forum est déstiné aux gens qui viennent à Paris ou pour ce qui sont encore à Paris?
All the best x
Marta Sol
Scritto 13 anni fa
There are a page where you can find people in Paris, in your erasmus experience:
ezgi bakcay
Scritto 13 anni fa
Je suis doctorante à EHESS et je vais à Paris à la fin du septembre et bien sur je cherche une chambre a Paris ????
Culture Advance
Scritto 13 anni fa
Cullture Advance is a rapidly expanding agency, specialized in bilingual Baby-Sitting.
We are now looking for more than 150 english/german/spanish/italian speaking Baby-sitters, in Paris and the suburb.
To see our most pressant ads, join our facebook page:
Or send us your resume at [email protected]!
Culture Advance
76, avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris
Premier Public
Scritto 13 anni fa
Je suis étudiante en sociologie, et je voulais dire que Jeanne a effectué les corrections de mon mémoire et m'a beaucoup aidé. Je suis très contente car encore elle a corrigé en quelques jours mon mémoire ! Et elle a tout corrigé le français.
Alors je fais de la promotion pour elle :).
Bon courage à tous le monde qui doivent rendre un mémoire !
pablo gancedo
Scritto 13 anni fa
hellou I am a spanish student and am looking for a room or apartment for the central area of paris, someone can help me, thank you very much greetings
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi everybody !
I'm a french student and from january to June i will study in Paris in a busines school, and i'm looking for a roomate actually !
Last year i was a Erasmus student in Dublin and this year i want to live again this experience but in my country !
My name is Guillaume, i come from Orléans at 100km at the south of Paris so it's easy for me to go to Paris to find a flat before January !
Just contact or e-mail me if you are interested : [email protected]