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Erasmus Pardubice 2010 / 2011 (English)

Mostrando 1-4 di 4 pubblicazioni


Welcome to the forum for Pardubice 2010 / 2011!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Pardubice in 2010 / 2011 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Pardubice, etc. Here you can also find:

- The general forum for Pardubice
- People who have been, are and will be in Pardubice
- A photo gallery of Pardubice
- Erasmus experiences in Pardubice
- The map and weather in Pardubice
- The Universities in Pardubice

If you're a student who's spent time in Pardubice in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Pardubice by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Pardubice win the number one spot!

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

I'm actually in a university in the south of France and for my 3 years I want to do Erasmus. One destination propose is Pardubice! If I'm accept, I'm going to spend 6 months in Pardubice, please help me! :) The university makes courses in english?
Bisous, Léa

Hi, currently I am studying in Pardubice and we have lessons in english and only for erasmus.
I will be the whole year and by now, I am so happy to choose this town
I hope to see you there for 2nd semester

Hi, sorry if I reply only now anyway I was last year in Erasmus in Pardubice(2009/2010)! Yes it's a good place above all of the second semester because is getting warmer and you can travel a lot aroun Pardubice and Czech Republic!
They have English course only for Erasmus and are not so bad! Exams are written in english of course and different kind multiple choice, open question, exercises and so on...!
Pardubice is just 1hour and 20 minutes far from Prague. If you buy ticket for more people you have a group discount and ticket usually coast if you are alone 150 CZK something like 6€, so less if you travel with friends! If you travel abroad I suggest to you to buy ticket from the place you start till the border and from the border till the city where you want to go (ex. you want to go to Krakow, so from Pardubice till border the ticket with Czech Rate and from the border till Krakow with Polish rate) You'll save a lot of money!
From Prague terminal bus there is a good bus company called to go to Budapest - Dresden - Berlin it costs about 25€ go and back! It's very low price!
I suggest to you to visit also Ostrava if you are looking for party because there is a street called stodolni full of disco and pubs with all kind of music! You can go there by train and take a taxi to go to the street and I suggest to come back directly sleeping on the train!
If you are looking for SPA go to Karlovy Vary, it's very good city but a little far from pardubice so I suggest to you to go 2 days!
In the second semester there will be the Brno museum night and Prague museum night if you are interested to the museums, all is free from 6.00 o clock p.m., and for this reason there are also a lot of peaople and queue!
If you need more information just ask it!
Have a great Erasmus and enjoy this experience!

Mostrando 1-4 di 4 pubblicazioni


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