Andrea Loddo
Scritto 15 anni fa
next monday the free Spanish course starts.
Anyone going there?
Another question...tomorrow there'll be the placement test, someone knows the time?
leyla tez
Scritto 15 anni fa
I'm going this course. And I know the time. It is 10.00 am.
Kasmina Miah
Scritto 15 anni fa
hello, i'm doing the course aswell, but what is the test? because i've missed it now :s
Federica Fusco
Scritto 15 anni fa
¡Pero la prueba y viernes no hoy! viernes a las 10
Kerstin Wolf
Scritto 15 anni fa
I'll go there too, but my test time is on friday at 10 o clock :) see you
Kasmina Miah
Scritto 15 anni fa
how did you find out when the test is? confused!
Kerstin Wolf
Scritto 15 anni fa
ähöm... ??? ;)
when i was searching for it. it's a time ago, but I noted it in my calender ^^
Frances McGill
Scritto 15 anni fa
Does anyone have the address for the test?
Andrea Loddo
Scritto 15 anni fa
Las pruebas de nivel del curso intensivo de español tendrán lugar en las fechas que elegisteis en el momento de la preinscripción y se realizarán en el
EDIFICIO SAAVEDRA FAJARDO, C/ Actor Isidoro Maiquez 9, 1ª planta, MURCIA
The Spanish Level Test for the intensive course will take place on the days you chose when you registered for the course at
EDIFICIO SAAVEDRA FAJARDO, C/ Actor Isidoro Maiquez 9, 1ª planta, MURCIA
Andrea Loddo
Scritto 15 anni fa
The link doesn't work but you have the adress in the previous message :D
Andrzej Moniuszko
Scritto 15 anni fa
hey guys, what about having a cool beer after the test tomorrow - friday? :P
kerkhove laura
Scritto 15 anni fa
There is no problems for the test! I can't pass it because I arrive the 14 in Murcia. I know that you can pass it the 14th in the morning I think.
For my part I won't pass it because I arrive in the afternoon, but itsn't a problem at aal. Go to the courses and they'll see your level!
see you
Paula Bernal
Scritto 15 anni fa
Teneis que practicar español, no inglés. Jejeje.
Mostrando 1-13 di 13 pubblicazioni