Dafne D'Alloro
Scritto 13 anni fa
carmen!!hola=) estaria posible de ir a la merced andando? el piso es bastante cerca de vistalegre? yo seria enteresada pero dejeria la habitacion por el fin de jenero..que dices?
graçias =)
Gioia Gubernale
Scritto 13 anni fa
@Annika: I study foreign languages. :) And of couse that we can meet.
@Carmen: Yo tambien estoy interesada, tienes otras fotos? Si las tienes, mi correo es [email protected]
Annika Bender
Scritto 13 anni fa
that will be great!:)..does someone know if there are bars and other clubs in Murcia?and where?
rasa vaikšnoraitė
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi! I study translation too :) Maybe we all can meet? :)
Gioia Gubernale
Scritto 13 anni fa
The only one that I know is the badulake, it is an erasmus bar and it's near La Merced.
Annika Bender
Scritto 13 anni fa
thanks ;)...another question I have: Is there anyone who will participate in the spanish language course which will take place in the first two weeks in september?
rasa vaikšnoraitė
Scritto 13 anni fa
I have problem with this Spanish courses and I don't know what to do :(
rasa vaikšnoraitė
Scritto 13 anni fa
When it was necessary to apply for this Spanish courses I don't have possibility of Internet and I can't apply so I don't know what to do now. I don't if I could apply for this courses when I'll come in Murcia or not because I still haven't given an answer about this courses :P
Gioia Gubernale
Scritto 13 anni fa
I will not participate in the spanish course because I will arrive in Murcia on 9th of September and unluckily it's too late...
@Rasa: I don't know if it's possible to apply for the course direcly in the university, but you can try.
Annika Bender
Scritto 13 anni fa
Unfortunately...I guess it´s not possible anymore :( because they have always stressed that the deadline is to be kept
David PL
Scritto 13 anni fa
hey everyone!im another who's going to murcia this year, untill june, and i guess that im only one who is going to study at UCAM ;) anyway, hope to meet with rest of erasmus and make some integration party:) im comming at 12 of september. cheers!
Gioia Gubernale
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi David! :)
Céline .
Scritto 13 anni fa
@ Annika: I will be at the Spanish course in september ;)
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi everybody! Murcia is plenty of bars, in the center we call them las tascas, and there are many places with different kinds of music, places to just drink, or dance. Erasmus usually start going to badulake but there are many, i really like musik in the center in "la plaza de toros". Other tascas are cheche, la clave, sildavia, borneo... Then there is a street called mariano rojas where you can find many places with indii music and concerts not that far, and it is really cool. You have also discos like boutique alnd many more...
i'm looking for 2 people to share a flat in the center: 3 habitaciones, baño y aseo, terraza, cocina,todo amueblado con todos los electrodomesticos. It's close to la merced, near rincon de pepe. 176 per room. i have pictures: i've anyone is interested you can send me an email to [email protected] i would like to go as soon as posible to see it and if we like it to stay there.
Gioia Gubernale
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi Laura, thank you for the information. :) And I'm looking for a room, so I'm interested. Can you send me the pictures, please? this is my email [email protected]
rasa vaikšnoraitė
Scritto 13 anni fa
Oh, it's bad, but I think that it should be possible to apply in Spanish courses in January :)
rasa vaikšnoraitė
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi David! It's great idea, but when we all can make some integration party? I'm coming in 9th of September and others? :)
Anika: Will you participate in the Spanish courses in the first two weeks of September? :)
Céline .
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi Rasa,
I'll be in Murcia an the 31st of augustus, someone told me that there are a lot of parties during the two weeks of Spanish courses ;) It's a really good way to meet each other :)
What are you studying?
rasa vaikšnoraitė
Scritto 13 anni fa
I'm studying translation, my studies exactly are called business english in college of my country :) and you? :)
rasa vaikšnoraitė
Scritto 13 anni fa
Where will you live? :) Maybe could we meet when I'll come and make the first integration party with other students? :)