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Erasmus Murcia 2011 / 2012 (English)

Mostrando 241-260 di 296 pubblicazioni

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Hola el piso esta en la gran via numero 6. si quieres tb puedes llamarme a este numero 660167162

Hi everyone! I'm Pedro, I'm PhD student at Universidad de Murcia. I just would like to announce that we've got a very nice flat to share, you can see the advert on this website. The title of the advert is "Really nice flat for really nice tenants :D", hope you like it.

Also, I am looking for someone to exchange my Spanish with their English, if anybody is interested, please let me know!



Hi, i'm here in murcia and i'm looking for a room. if anybody have one, please contact me. My email is [email protected]

Hola everybody :) what is coming this week and would like to go together with me about the spanish courses? :)

Hi Cinzia, I'm arriving on the 18th, so next sunday :) what are you studying?

i study law and you? i'm know in murcia and i'm looking for a flat :) do you have a flat in murcia?

Hi. We are looking for one girl to share a flat with 3 rooms. In the flat, there are 2 bathrooms, living room, tv, Wifi, fully-equipped kitchen, balcony, ... Adress : Plaza Preciosa, Murcia (7min of the university). Prize : 250 euros + internet and costs. Contacts : 674884573 and [email protected]

Maybe somebody knows where is international relation's office because I can't find this place all week? I have to go there to take my ID data :/

Hello everybody :) I just don't understand one thing. If I will study in the faculdad del letras ( is it in the campus de la merced) why on 19th of September I have to come in the campus espinardo?

There's an erasmus orientation on the 19th, everybody has it, I'm also at the faculty of arts in la merced, but have to go to espinardo on monday too

Yeah I have a flat, and I'm studying business at the espinardo campus! :) are you there now?

do you know where is centro social universitario and international relation's office? there is very much distance between that places?

Building number 18 and number 29 xD

Hi guys and girls! I've problem, may be somebody could help me. We're 2 female Erasmus students from Latvia and we came in Murcia on the 16th of September. VIMUR service assured us that we've got a flat, but actually we have nothing. For 3 days we're searching for 2 rooms in one flat or 2 rooms in the separate flats, it doesn't matter, but still we have nothing. Soooo, guys and girls, if somebody has any information about rooms for renting or wants to share the flat, please, write me a private message or contact by e-mail ([email protected]). P.S. we'll study in Merced campus.

I will sutdy in the campus de la Merced, too :) what will you study with your friend? :)

Rasa, we'll study Estudios Ingleses. Are you going tommorow to Espinardo campus? :)

Me too :) yes, and you?

Yes, we'll be there at 12.30. :) U?

Me too :D but I think I will be there earlier because I have to come in international relation's office for my spanish courses :) maybe would you like to go together with me ? :)


I'm an spanish guy looking for flatmates!

I found a nice flat in the center, 5min from La Merced and next to the Plaza de Toros. It has 4 nice rooms, 2 bathrooms (with shower) and a really good price (around 165 €/person!).

I'm all alone so I need to find 3 more people!

Mostrando 241-260 di 296 pubblicazioni

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