Sai già qual è la tua destinazione? Le migliori offerte di alloggio sono le prime a spiccare il volo, non fartele scappare!

Voglio cercare casa ORA!

Studying in Madrid 2020

Mostrando 1-3 di 3 pubblicazioni


Hola! My name is Amber! I am 19 years old and from Ireland. I will be moving to Madrid to study a degree at URJC.

I am also looking to improve my Spanish so would be great if anyone wants to help me out! I could offer you some Native English Conversations in return hahah!

Is anyone else about to go on a similar experience? I would really appreciate any advice about living in Madrid, if anyone wants a friend to explore Madrid with let me know!:)

Hi Amber! I'm from Madrid 

I would love for us exchange our languages, if you need something write me! :)

Mostrando 1-3 di 3 pubblicazioni


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