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Erasmus Madrid 2010 / 2011 (English)

Mostrando 201-220 di 266 pubblicazioni

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Hi everibody, i live in the center of Madrid between Chueca and Banco de Espana, in a comparted flat with students from the whole world! A room will be free in January. There is an excellent atmosphere and respect. The room is big, with a double bed, a window... We are looking for a student!! if you are interested or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to send me a private message!!

Hi! I´m a spanish girl, I´m studing in the Complutense´s University. If you need something, as questions about the university, places, and more, write me and I´ll try solved them!

hello there, I´be studing law at the "universidad Autonoma de Madrid" in the 2nd semestre. I´m looking for rooms to rent in a place near to the university or to the train station, so if any one has suggestions. please feel free to msg me! I´d also love to meet new people in this wonderfull city!

Hola!! soy Daniela!! una chica Italiana de 24 años!! tengo que ir a Madrid desde el fin de enero hasta el fin de julio para estudiar a la Universidad Politecnica de Madrid!! Estoy buscando un habitacion..un piso compartido!!
Alguien puede ayudarme?

Hola que tal??!! I'll be in Madrid for NYE and i'll be going to the Sound of Space festival! Anyone??

Hola!! :)
Estoy estudiante de Erasmus en Copenhague! please spend 5 min and help me! :)

Please fill up the anonymous questionnarie about energy products and supplements which enhance the endurance of the body.

Your answers will be used to create the Master Thesis.

Thank you in advance :) !

Student of Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Science, University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland



Hola!! :)
Estoy estudiante de Erasmus en Copenhague! please spend 5 min and help me! :)

Por favor rellene el siguiente cuestionario anónimo (solo 5 minutos!) :)
sobre productos energéticos y suplementos que potencian el fortalecimiento del cuerpo.

Sus respuestas me ayudarán a realizar mi master thesis :)

Gracias por adelantado!
Student - Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Science,
University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland


Hi everyone, i will stude in at UCM in the 2nd semester. I am looking for a room to rent close university or just everywhere with other erasmus students:) any advice?

Hi everybody! I'm coming to Madrid too to study in the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid! I arrive the 29th of January so if there are some erasmus interested, we can meet each other saturday night in a bar to "ir de copa"...

I will be in Madrid from February until June and I do not have a place to stay yet! I am 22 years old and am from Austria and Turkey, I can speak English, German and Turkish fluently, my spanish skills are survival at the moment, however should get better as soon as I am in Madrid. I will be studying Media Communications at CEU San Pablo and I believe the Uni is close to the area of Moncloa. If anyone is looking for a flatmate let me know!

Hello everybody!

I will be coming this semester to the University Complutense in Madrid with a friend of mine. We will be studiying at the faculty: Economics.
Does anyone has any recommodations about accomodation? Me and my friend want to rent rooms in the same house/shared house maybe together or with other students... but what places are best? I heard Sol or Moncloa are fun for Erasmus students like us. The place should be 20-30 minutes away from school and nearby the city. Or does anyone have any suggestions or rooms to rent?
And what places are nice to go to?

thank you in advance!

I will be coming to University Complutense in February, anyone else is going to the same university?

sharon a lot of erasmus students have a flat near sol...where i live now (100m from plz espana and 8 min walk to sol) it's a flat for february 4 erasmus students are going back home so there will be 2 double free room and a single room for free. In any case to find a flat the best thing to do is come here in madrid and look around...

¡Hola à todos!

I will be studying at the CEU San Pablo from January untill June! Many people from my school are going to study in Madrid, but I prefer meeting new people with other nationalities. Do you know if there are any parties for Erasmus students in Madrid? I cannot find much about it..

People who are going to study at CEU San Pablo too, will you be there the 31st during the Welcoming Day for international students?

Un saludo

Hi Rowan!

I cannot help you with the details but while no one comes to say when and where are the parties, let me assure you there are a lot of erasmus parties in Madrid!

Plus, there are a few very good clubs to which some groups of erasmus students go often such as Kapital and Pacha!

Have fun!!

can someone send me a good link of apartments to rent in madrid? il be there for one term starting in february and am desperately searching for a place, preferably with other fellow erasmus students. close to city centre would be even better. hope to hear from someone!

Hi everyone

I am coming in the end of the January if somebody wants to look together in order to share a flat I am in.Don't hesitate to send me message

He guys

I´ll arrive on January 30th and I´ll study at UAM until end of june.
I am still looking for accomondation. A shared apartment with other Erasmus students would be nice:)
Some of you want to meet for a drink on Sunday the 30th?
Is there sth like a (in)official meeting place/time for the Erasmus students?


Yes what Raphael says... ;)

who's going to kapital tonight?

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