gaetano pernisco
Scritto 12 anni fa
hi,I will be in Lisbon at around 14, are looking for a single room in a student apartment in the area fairly central. can someone help me?
Isabel Rodrigues
Scritto 12 anni fa
I welcome 2 Erasmus students at my home for the year 2012/2013. Minimum stay 4 months!
I have 2 nice & sunny rooms with a large window, in a family flat of 3 (me, son and daughter, both students).
The location in Lisbon couldn't be better: in city center near Saldanha and S. Sebastião it is a 2 to 5 minute walking to 3 underground stations and lines with all other transportations and facilities nearby (supermarkets, cinemas, museums, stores, universities). Yet in a quite quiet neighbourhood. It is a walking distance to campus U. NOVA and Inst. Superior Técnico (10 min), U. LISBOA, and U. CATÓLICA , U. LUSÓFONA (20 min or 3 underground stops).
It is an opportunity of living a students’ abroad experience in Lisbon as well as a family experience. Living friendly with a portuguese family it’s a supportive way learn more about portuguese culture.
Please contact me by email for inquiries or to book a visit.
Isabel Rodrigues
Scritto 12 anni fa
Yes, I have two free rooms (sunny W/ big window) in the center of the city, all transportations and facilities area, in a family apartment. Inquiries are welcomed! Please answer to isabelrodrigues d o t e m a i l a t g m a i l d o t com.
Carlos Miguel
Scritto 12 anni fa
I'm renting a room to students (without window), apartment shared with students, with great living room, kitchen, bathroom, balcony and other arrangements. Quiet area, 5 minutes walking from the ISEG (near of IADE too), next to public transports and commerce, 7 minutes from "Rato" (Metro station), with Internet and Cable TV.Fully equipped kitchen with refrigerator, stove, water heater and washing machine. The cost is 160€ a month plus expenses.
Contact me for me info.
Mercedes Vidal-Abarca
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi all
I have a room available in Baixa/Alfama, just 5 mts walk to metro and buses.
In a big and renewed flat with 4 rooms/2 bathrooms
If you are interested please contact me to
skype: mvidalaba
Gustavo Blanco
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everyone. I have rooms available at a house nearby University of Lisbon and ISCTE Campus and IST (instituto superior técnico). It's also close by Catholic University.
You can check the details here:
Mercedes Vidal-Abarca
Scritto 12 anni fa
Double room with private bathroom, balcony and river view.
For single or double use
Located in the Baixa area of Alfama, 4 minute walk to main square Praça do Comercio, 10 minutes walk to Chiado and Bairro Alto.
5 minutes to metro, buses and trams.
Newly renovated and furnished flat. 3 rooms/2bathroom. Now living 2 people.
porweful WIFI
Price includes: All expenses+WIFI+pillows, towels, blankets and sheets+ cleaning of common areas twice a week.
skype: mvidalaba
Silvia Peracchi
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi guys! I'm Silvia, from Italy and I'll be in Lisbon the 9th of october.
I'll be attending a Portuguese class at the Universidade de letras de Lisboa, but right now I know nothing of portuguese=) I can speak italian and English, and I am really willing to meet people to hang out with=). I actually am also looking for accomodation. So if you have the same aims I have, you can add me on facebook or contact me here, as you prefer! =) Cheers!
M Carmen
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi! I am Maria, a student from Spain. I am 24. I am looking for a room in Lisboa since NOVEMBER. I would like to find a room in a friendly student flat or with young people or erasmus students.
If you can help, contact to me.
Anna Brzezinska
Scritto 12 anni fa
I'm student from Poland, I'm coming to Erasmus for second semester and I started looking for a single room in Lisbon. Very likely with the other erasmus students. It would be great if the maximum cost will be 250E, but if it's in good location I can think about that :)
Also if you found apartment and looking for a roommate feel free to contact me !
Edna Bermejo
Scritto 12 anni fa
I'm going to Lisboa in February to study for the second semester at the Instituto superior de agronomia. I'm looking for a room to rent with more erasmus people from february to june (included both of them). If you want me to live with you, please contact me at ednabweb hot mail com
Thanks =)
Annes AlexOrg
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey Anna and Maria!
I might have the best flat offer for you
What do u think?
Good luck!
Annes Alex
Patricia Nunes
Scritto 12 anni fa
I have a place 2 minutes away from Instituto Superior de Agronomia.
It's a whole house, big enough for 2 or 3 people. Please take a look:
eCentric apartments
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi all!
Hello! Looking for a room in Lisbon?
We still have a couple of rooms left located right in the heart of Lisbon (Marquês de Pombal, Saldanha & Alameda) and close to the metro stations.
Some apartments have a balcony or terrace.
Spacious rooms, fully furnished with modern furniture, with a lot of natural sunlight. All apartments have a plasma TV (Cable), high-speed Wi-Fi Internet.
Weekly cleaning service included.
at moment first month: 50% off!!
Tess de
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi! I am Tess, a Dutch exchange student and I will be starting my minors at NOVA in February 2013!
I am still looking for a room, but can't seem to find anything. I would prefer to find a room via another exchange student
studying in Lisbon at the moment. If anyone has any tips/suggestions please let me know!
And if you are looking for a roomie, let me know as well!
Thank you guys!
Lucia Farrach
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hello guys , for all of you that are looking for apartment and etc. Im going to share with you some tips about areas you can live by LisbonLux. I hope not being too late. In English and Portuguese in order to you start learn some :))
One of Europe’s lowest crime rates, lots of sunshine, mild temperatures, a relaxing lifestyle and pace of life — all ingredients that give Lisbon a high quality of life. After an exodus to the suburbs since the 1970s which left the historic center largely abandoned, the Portuguese capital is once again slowly attracting new residents.
But which are the best neighborhoods to live in Lisbon? The answer will depend on who you ask and what you’re looking for. We’ve analyzed the main central districts with all their positives and negatives to help you make a decision of where to settle in Lisbon.
Uma das mais baixas taxas de criminalidade da Europa, muito sol, temperaturas amenas e um estilo de vida tranquilo — são estes os ingredientes que dão a Lisboa uma elevada qualidade de vida. Depois do éxodo para os subúrbios desde a década de 1970 que deixou o centro histórico abandonado, a capital portuguesa está lentamente a reconquistar moradores. São na maioria solteiros de classe média-alta e muitos deles estrangeiros, sobretudo de outros países europeus.
Mas quais são os melhores bairros para viver em Lisboa? A resposta depende de a quem perguntar e do ambiente que procura. LisbonLux analisou os principais bairros da cidade, tendo em conta todos os aspectos positivos e negativos para ajudar na decisão de onde viver em Lisboa.
WHAT IT’S LIKE: A village. It’s the city’s oldest neighborhood, found around the castle (Graça) and down the hill towards the river (Alfama). It’s either the most or the least desirable neighborhood in the city, depending on who you ask.
WHO LIVES HERE: Pensioners, working-class families that may have lived here for generations since the original fishing community, immigrants and young singles.
POSITIVES: It has the charm, the soul, the atmosphere and the small-town quality you dream about. Renovated homes are great deals and many often come with wonderful river views. The best homes are around the cathedral.
NEGATIVES: It’s a confusing maze of narrow medieval streets often impenetrable by cars and parking space is almost nonexistent. A large number of buildings need renovation. Most apartments are small and almost no building has an elevator.
COMO É: Uma aldeia. É o bairro mais antigo da cidade, situado à volta do castelo (Graça) e descendo a colina até ao rio (Alfama). Para muitos é o bairro mais desejável, para outros o menos.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: Pensionistas, famílias de classe baixa que vivem aqui há várias gerações desde a comunidade piscatória original, imigrantes e jovens solteiros.
POSITIVO: Tem o encanto, a alma e o ambiente de aldeia com que muitos sonham. As casas renovadas podem ser bons negócios e muitas oferecem vista de rio. As melhores encontram-se na zona da Sé.
NEGATIVO: É um labirinto complicado de ruelas medievais impenetráveis por carros e espaço para estacionamento é praticamente inexistente. Um grande número de edifícios precisa de renovação. A maioria dos apartamentos são pequenos e quase todos sem elevador.
WHAT IT’S LIKE: A mixture of beautiful award-winning architecture and unattractive late-20th century office and apartment buildings in long, wide avenues.
WHO LIVES HERE: Middle class and upper-middle class families.
POSITIVES: Most of the apartments are quite spacious. Good shopping and transportation links.
NEGATIVES: Traffic. Mostly devoid of atmosphere, and new apartments can be quite expensive.
COMO É: Uma mistura de bela arquitetura premiada e edifícios de escritórios e apartamentos pouco atraentes construídos no século XX em largas avenidas.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: Classe média e famílias de classe média-alta.
POSITIVO: Boa oferta de habitação espaçosa, bons acessos e comércio.
NEGATIVO: Trânsito. Falta de ambiente e novas habitações podem ser caras.
WHAT IT’S LIKE: It’s the bohemian nightlife quarter. Down the hill are the small Bica and Santa Catarina neighborhoods which look and feel indistinguishable from Bairro Alto.
WHO LIVES HERE: Bohemians, pensioners and immigrants.
POSITIVES: It’s right in the center, with access to the most popular restaurants, shops and nightlife.
NEGATIVES: It’s difficult to keep it constantly clean after nights of drinking on the streets, it can be noisy at night, and most buildings need to be renovated.
COMO É: O bairro boémio da vida noturna. Descendo a colina estão os pequenos bairros da Bica e Santa Catarina com um ambiente indistinguível do do Bairro Alto.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: Boémios, pensionistas e imigrantes.
POSITIVO: Fica mesmo no centro e tem animação (acesso a restaurantes, comércio e vida noturna)
NEGATIVO: É dificil combater a sujidade depois das noites de copos nas ruas. É barulhento à noite e a maioria das casas precisa de renovação.
WHAT IT’S LIKE: A grid of shopping streets, each one once having their own specialty but now mostly occupied by bank headquarters and tourist shops.
WHO LIVES HERE: Very few people, but that’s slowly changing due to middle-aged investors.
POSITIVES: It’s the heart of the city, apartments can be quite spacious and there are many investment opportunities.
NEGATIVES: Nearly deserted at night except for traffic.
COMO É: Grandes ruas paralelas criadas para comércio concentrando várias especialidades, mas agora sobretudo ocupadas por sedes de bancos e por lojas turísticas.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: Muito pouca gente, mas isso vai mudando lentamente através de investidores de meia-idade.
POSITIVO: É o coração da cidade, grande parte dos apartamentos são espaçosos e existem muitas oportunidades para investimento.
NEGATIVO: Quase deserto à noite a não ser o trânsito.
WHAT IT’S LIKE: Belém is the last Lisbon neighborhood before the beachside suburbs. Located where the river meets the Atlantic, it’s home to the city’s most famous monuments and museums, and up the hill is the neighborhood of Ajuda and the affluent district of Restelo.
WHO LIVES HERE: Middle class and low-middle class in Belém and Ajuda, low-profile upper class in Restelo.
POSITIVES: The riverfront location with many green spaces, and the tranquility of Restelo.
NEGATIVES: It’s away from downtown, with no metro station (but plenty of tram and bus connections). Most people won’t be able to afford property in Restelo and Belém is a little “touristy.”
COMO É: É o último bairro da cidade antes dos subúrbios da linha de Cascais. Situa-se onde o Tejo encontra o Atlântico e é onde estão os monumentos e muitos dos museus principais da cidade. Subindo a colina está o bairro da Ajuda e o bairro afluente do Restelo.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: Classe média e média-baixa em Belém e Ajuda, e uma classe alta “low profile” no Restelo.
POSITIVO: A localização junto ao rio com espaços verdes e a tranquilidade do Restelo.
NEGATIVO: Fica longe do centro e não tem metro (apesar de haver boas ligações de autocarro e elétrico). O preços altos fazem com que o Restelo não esteja ao alcance de todos, e Belém é um bairro “turistificado.”
WHAT IT’S LIKE: A lively residential district.
WHO LIVES HERE: Mostly upper-middle class families and a recent younger middle class.
POSITIVES: A variety of shops and a real neighborhood atmosphere which gives it a good quality of life.
NEGATIVES: No metro station, prices above average.
COMO É: Um bairro residencial animado.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: A maioria são famílias de classe média-alta e uma nova classe média jovem.
POSITIVO: Diversidade de comércio e um verdadeiro ambiente de bairro que lhe dão uma boa qualidade de vida.
NEGATIVO: Não tem estação de metro e os preços das habitações são acima da média.
WHAT IT’S LIKE: The city’s most sophisticated neighborhood, known for shopping (now mostly international chains), cafés and theaters.
WHO LIVES HERE: Upper-middle class and upper-class professionals (yuppies).
POSITIVES: Cultural attractions. Good public transporation. Perfect for those with no car. Quality of the renovated buildings.
NEGATIVES: Expensive. Lack of parking space.
COMO É: O bairro mais sofisticado da cidade, conhecido pelo seu comércio (agora na sua maioria lojas internacionais), cafés e teatros.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: Jovens profissionais de classe média-alta e alta.
POSITIVO: Oferta cultural. Perfeito para quem não tem carro.
NEGATIVO: Caro. Falta de estacionamento.
WHAT IT’S LIKE: The former site of the World Fair of 1998 became one of the largest redevelopment projects in Europe, now a residential and business district known for its landmark contemporary architecture.
WHO LIVES HERE: Upper and upper-middle classes, and the nouveau riche.
POSITIVES: Pleasant waterfront location with green spaces. Good transport connections, abundant parking space, and most apartments come with garage.
NEGATIVES: Away from the center. Feels like a suburb, lacking the atmosphere of historic neighborhoods.
COMO É: O local da Expo 98 que se tornou um dos maiores projetos de renovação na Europa, sendo agora um bairro residencial e comercial conhecido pela emblemática arquitetura contemporânea.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: Classes alta e média-alta, e “novos ricos”.
POSITIVO: Agradável localização junto ao rio com espaços verdes. Bons acessos em transportes públicos, espaço para estacionamento, e muitos dos apartamentos vêm com garagem.
NEGATIVO: Longe do centro. Tem ambiente de subúrbio e falta-lhe a “alma” do centro histórico.
WHAT IT’S LIKE: A charming residential neighborhood with attractive architecture now also known for its sophisticated shops.
WHO LIVES HERE: A good mix of people, of different ages and social status.
POSITIVES: Quiet neighborhood with gardens. Those who wish to be car-free will love to be within walking distance of everything in the center. Good shopping.
NEGATIVES: Lack of parking spaces for those who can’t live without a car. Rents and prices of new homes are high.
COMO É: Um bairro residencial de charme com belos edifícios e agora conhecido pelas suas lojas sofisticadas.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: Uma boa mistura de gente, de várias faixas etárias e sociais.
POSITIVO: Zona tranquila com jardins. Aqueles que preferem viver sem carro apreciarão estar a passos do centro de tudo. Bom comércio de rua.
NEGATIVO: Escassez de estacionamento para aqueles que não podem viver sem carro. Rendas e preços de casa novas são altos.
WHAT IT’S LIKE: Santos is a riverfront neighborhood known as a small “design district” due to its home décor shops and Lapa is the embassy quarter, home to large mansions.
WHO LIVES HERE: Middle class in Santos, upper class (“old money”) in Lapa.
POSITIVES: Quiet residential area. Condominiums in Lapa are of high standards.
NEGATIVES: High prices. Some buildings in Santos need renovation. Lack of parking space and inefficient public transportation (there’s no metro station).
COMO É: Santos é um bairro à beira-rio conhecido como um pequeno “design district” pelas suas lojas de design de interiores, enquanto Lapa é a zona das embaixadas e palacetes.
QUEM VIVE AQUI: Classe média em Santos e classe alta (aristocracia) na Lapa.
POSITIVO: Zona residencial tranquila. Condomínios da Lapa são de muito boa qualidade.
NEGATIVO: Preços elevados. Alguns edifícios em Santos precisam de renovação. Mau estacionamento e poucos transportes (não há estação de metro).
Eugene Sved
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey. I will be studying Design (desenho) in the Lusofona Universidade in Lisbon in february. So i'm just looking for another erasmus students who has similar interests and position to rent a flat. If you're interested, please contact me via email or skype.
Looking forward to hearing from ya.
Eugene Sved
Scritto 12 anni fa
Actually i can't write my personal information here, so just send me a private message))