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Erasmus Göttingen 2012 / 2013 (English)

Mostrando 21-25 di 25 pubblicazioni

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Hi, if you register on the website of the university, you can ask for accomodation :)

Hi everybody!! I'm Silvia and I come from Italy. Next semester I will start my Erasmus in Göttingen. I'm looking for a room or a flat to share. Is there anyone that will be in the sommer semester in Göttingen and is looking for a roommate? Please contact me

Hi Silvia, I´m Eloy and I come from Spain. When does the sommer sommer semester start? I think I will go there around the beggining of September and I´m also looking for a flat to share

Hola, soy maría, de cordoba, estudio magisterio y me gustaria saber en que idioma nos examinan y como va lo de los cursos de idioma. Todavia no se si ir a una residencia o piso. Todo lo que sepais por favor id poniendolo por aqui.=)

Hola María! has hecho ya algo de las asignaturas que vas a hacer allí?? en tu universidad te han dicho algo?? esq tengo un lio... =S

Mostrando 21-25 di 25 pubblicazioni

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Non hai un account? Registrati.

Aspetta un attimo, per favore

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