Julia Rosińska
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everyone! ;) I'm from Poland, studying at Technical University of Lodz and I'm coming to Coimbra at the end of August this year. I'm so excited, that you probably can't even imagine! I'm looking for somebody to share a flat with, if you're interested, contact me ;) cu in Coimbra!!
Alicja Woźniak
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hello! :) I am from Poland. On August I am going to University of Coimbra from Erasmus. I looking for some friends to share a flat, go for trips, having good time! Moreover i study Architecture, could be nice to meet some one from my faculty also! :)
Paulina Przybysz
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hello everyone:) I'm from Warsaw and i'm going to study Mechanical Engineering At Univeristy of Coimbra. I'm looking for somebody to share an apartment from August this year. If somebody is interested please contact me:)
michael river
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hello my name is Miguel Rio, and i am from Erasmus Association of Coimbra, the known ESN COIMBRA.
We cooperate with all Higher Institutions specially with Univ of Coimbra.
You can find our website here: www.erasmuscoimbra.com
And our Facebook : " Erasmus Coimbra 2012/2013"
We are supported by European Commissiona and we belong to the biggest student network: www.esn.org
Feel free to ask me about Coimbra, accomodation, etc
Martin Zajko
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everyone, I'm from Slovakia and I'm going to study at the Faculty of Economics at UC from September. Like most of you, I'm looking for someone to share a flat with so if you are interested please contact me here, or you can do as well on a Facebook ;)
Carlos Martín
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi! I´m from Spain and I´m going to Instituto Superior Miguel Torga in September :) I´m studying Psochology and I 'm looking for flatmates for share a flat in Coimbra. I want to live with an other countries people. If you are interested, please contact me :D
Sarah B
Scritto 12 anni fa
hey !
I ´ll go to coimbra in january 2013 for the 2 semestre ! I´m so excited ! Maybe I´ll meet some of you in a bar :D
Sergiu Giurgiu
Scritto 12 anni fa
I will attend Miguel Torga for the first semester. I will arrive in Coimbra on 15th of September with 2 girls. On 1st of September another 2 girls will arrive there because they want the portuguesse course. In total we are 5 students searching for a flat to rent, prefer to be near Miguel Torga. Any advices? Thank you!
Arthur Sá
Scritto 12 anni fa
hey guys!
I'm a student at University of Coimbra...
I'm going for erasmus in United Kingdom and let me tell that you'll love Coimbra and be ready for the best experience ever! Coimbra is an amazing city, portuguese food and cuture are awesome!! for the ones who are coming for the second semester, enjoy the Queima das Fitas Festival!! :)
If you have any doubt, please let me know.
Ivana Korimová
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi guys!
I am Ivana from Slovakia and from September I study pharmacy in Coimbra. And I am also looking for some people to share an apartment :-)
Uğurcan Gökce
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi everyone. I am from Turkey. I am studying electrical engineering and I will be in coimbra at 22th august wtih my 2 firends. I will stay there 1 semester. I am looking for a accommadation and I am so exiceted. Good luck for everbody. See u there =)
Karolina Czyzewska
Scritto 12 anni fa
Bom dia! ;-) What all can we do in coimbra? Of course except of studying :-P Know already any nice places which we 'must see'?
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey there,
I am Annkathrin and I study political science and swedish at the university in Freiburg, Germany. I am going to Coimbra on the 26th of August .
Does anybody also take part in the EILC course level 1? Would be a cool thing to not be completely alone:D
And of course I am also looking for someone to share a flat :)
luis athayde
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi Hi,
I'm looking for students for a part-time job. Please send me your CV to
You can check the type of work to be done at www.spotter.com
Luis Athayde
Thomas Van
Scritto 12 anni fa
I'm from Belgium and coming to Coimbra from september till january. Very looking forward to the experience.
I will be studying economics. Hope to see you all at the parties!!
grtz Thomas
Sandrine Pinto
Scritto 12 anni fa
Coimbra a cidade que encanta todos os estudantes!! :)
Tenho um quarto para arrendar perto da Faculdade de Direito, Letras e Psicologia (Polo I) e dos bares do centro da cidade... :p
Link do anuncio: http://www.custojusto.pt/Coimbra/Quartos/Quartocom+wc+privativo+na+Alta+Coimbra-5836499.htm?xtcr=1&
Bem-vindos a Coimbra
Paolo Paraluppi
Scritto 12 anni fa
Bom dia!
I study Mechanical Engineering in Udine, Italy and I'm going to stay in Coimbra the whole academic year. I'll arrive in September and I'm looking for a house and flatmates, of course..
Meet you there!
michael river
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hello future erasmus students in Coimbra,i am from ASE-UC /ESN COIMBRA,
We are the erasmus association in Coimbra that helpa erasmus students with accomodation,burocratic problems,organising
sport and cultural activities.
Feel free to ask me any doubt.
We ll met you in Coimbra
Dario Notaro
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi i'm an Italian student from Siena. I will go to Coimbra in september. I study medicine and I will do my last year there in coimbra. See you there!!
Monika Batorska
Scritto 12 anni fa
Bom dia!
I'm a polish student from Cracow and I'm going to Coimbra in August. I'm studying medical technology. If you want to meet before the beggining of the semester and explore fantastic places in Portugal please write on fb!
see you soon!