Guilherme Sousa
Scritto 13 anni fa
enviei, mas a minha duvida é saber em que torre tou metido lol. Sandra como vais do aeroporto para a residência? adiciona-me no face:
Gosia Cykof
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello fresh Erasmus! I have 4 free places in my flat.
There are 3 rooms, one kitchen, one bathroom.
Price for one person: more or less 500 zł (125 Euro) already with electricity, water, gas and internet. Every room is a double room.
The flat is on Legionów Square (Plac Legionów), so it is in the centre (5 minutes walking from Rynek, by bus: 10 min from Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, 10 min from Uniwesytet Wrocławski, 20 minutes from Politechnika Wrocławska).
Only for students which are coming for ONE YEAR.
And in first month you have to pay deposit (480 zł). You will have it back in the last month of living here. The flat is available from 10 of september.
If you have any questions, ask me in privat :)
Have an unforgetable year in Wrocław!:)
Natalia Nowak
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello erasmus students:)
We have one room to rent in a comfortable flat sorrounded by really nice area (Borowska Street, buses: 113, 612, 15 mins to the city center by bus) for one year. Room is partly open, but this flat has everything what you need for the whole year: network, washing machine, tv, cooker, fridge, nice kitchen, bathroom with a shower and a big terrace. Flat mates are two already working girls just after studies, in two separate rooms. Price is 115 euro (450 pln) + bills ( from 25 to 50 euro, 100 pln to 200 pln, depending on using). If you want to contact just call us: +48 505 095 125 (Natalia) or +48 788 643 861 (Gala).
çağrı akyüz
Scritto 13 anni fa
which school Gülnur?
Steven Kindermans
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello fellow students, I'll be in Wroclaw for the winter semester and I'm looking for a room or an apartment to rent together with some other students. I prefer an apartment near University of economics or a place with a good connection to it.. Contact me if u got something ;)
See u!
çağrı akyüz
Scritto 13 anni fa
wroclaw unıversity of economics....when will you go?
çağrı akyüz
Scritto 13 anni fa
Im at wroclaw at 21 of september..2 days later..;) I live in Sakarya...I will stay at dormitory,you?
çağrı akyüz
Scritto 13 anni fa
uppss..ı hope you stay at dorm,ı learned that the most funny chat is dorm...ı hope we will have fun along the year...
Rodrigo Rocha
Scritto 13 anni fa
hi! Does anybody have any pictures of the student accommodation? Thanks anyway! :)
pepe arias
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello i am from spain and i will go yo Wroclaw at 19 of september but i have a problem because i have a dormitory but its open at 22 of september and i dont have anywhere to be.. you know anyplace where i can live for 3 days ... thank you peopleeeeee i will see there in a few days
çağrı akyüz
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi pepe....I will stay at residance like you..I will be at wroclaw at 21 of september,one night ım free;)..
Pedro Soares
Scritto 13 anni fa
I also get to wroclaw day Sept. 20 at night and still have no where to stay
çağrı akyüz
Scritto 13 anni fa
ıf you stay at dorm,is it known which dorm?
Alexis Fotiou
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello guys... I am coming to Wroclaw on January 2012... I will appreciate if you have to give any importand information, advice etc ;-)
David Romero
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi! I´m going to study in Wroclaw next summer semester (course 2011-2012) in the Wroclaw University of Technology. I'm from Spain, I need information about Supplementary Courses, ECTS, (Cursos de Libre Configuración in Spain). I don't find information. Thanks
Lon Diju
Scritto 13 anni fa
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Hugo Garcia
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi¡¡ I am from Spain and i would be in wroclaw next semester¡ I'm a bit lost about the accommodation...i'm trying to find a room in a flat so if any of u have one just tell me or add me on facebook..(hugo coloma) thanks and see u¡¡
Kina Ruiz
Scritto 13 anni fa
Im looking for a flat, to rent it on January, do you know something??? If you know something, please, tell me or add on facebook (Kina R Ferriz) ok?¿?
Thanks :)
Martim Pereira
Scritto 13 anni fa
Algum casal de portugueses que vá fazer erasmus para wroclaw no segundo semestre?
Tommaso Grenga
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi people!!!
Next summer semester I´m going to study in Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławi. See you soon!!