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Erasmus Antwerp 2013 / 2014 (English)

Mostrando 21-24 di 24 pubblicazioni

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Hi everybody! :)

I'm Jovana from Serbia and I am going to study Political Science at the University of Antwerp in Septembar 2013. I will be in Antwerp for a 10 months.

If there is someone like me, please let me know :) 

Hey guys!!

I'm looking for someone who is going to study European business studies at former Lessius Hogeschool or EILC course at the same university in year 2013 - 2014 like me? Let me know and we can contact each other, would be very pleased :=))

Hi! I'm Kübra from Turkey I am  going to University of Antwerp to study in Biology master programme. I arrive Antwerp in september and I am looking for flat and I will be antwerp for ten mounths.. Please contact mee :)

Mostrando 21-24 di 24 pubblicazioni

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