Professional Bachelor higher education programme "Sport Science"
LASE - Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Posizione Riga, Lettonia
Tipo di Laurea Bachelor
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Lingua Inglese
Frequenza Presenziale
Frequenza Full-time
Ritmo Formazione guidata
Tasse di iscrizione 2520 €
Descrizione del corso
In 4 years of study (full time students) the graduates acquire the professional bachelor degree in sport science and the qualification of a sports specialist in the following specialties:
- Senior coach in a sport discipline and sport teacher;
- Sport teacher and sport manager;
- Sport teacher and recreation (renewal of physical and mental capacities and health) specialist;
- Senior coach in a sport discipline and sport manager;
- Senior coach in a sport discipline and recreation specialist.
Programme aim
To provide professional studies in sports science in correspondence with the state economic, cultural and social needs.
Final examinations
State examination including:
- Practical examination (except qualification–sport manager) in education and sport specialist professional qualifications;
- Integrated written examination in education and sport specialist professional qualifications;
- Working out and defending of Bachelor paper and Diploma paper.