Global Bachelor in Games Development
IADE - Faculdade de Design Tecnologia e Comunicação (IADE)
Posizione Lisbona, Portogallo
Tipo di Laurea Bachelor
Data d'inizio 20/09/2021
Durata 3 years
Scadenza iscrizioni 12/07/2021
Lingua Inglese
Frequenza Presenziale
Frequenza Full-time
Ritmo Formazione guidata
Tasse di iscrizione 6776 €
Descrizione del corso
- Project-based learning (PBL) – Each semester is based on a single, realistic project. By the end of the degree, students have already six products developed (games or applications), which are the main elements of the portfolio they will present to the industry.
- Clear focus on development – Combination of the various aspects of video games and web/mobile applications creation with software development and software engineering.
- Multidisciplinary teams – Part of the six semester-long projects are carried out by teams that also integrate students from other B. Sc. ’s, increasing the quality of the created products and students skills in multidisciplinary teamwork.
- Multiple languages – Students develop their projects using multiple programming languages of increasing complexity (e. g., Processing, JavaScript, C#, and C++).
- Multiple technologies – Students gain experience using multiple technologies, including game engines, mobile and web development frameworks, 3D, game consoles, PCs, etc. Students will also explore new horizons through modules focusing on creativity, critical thinking, as well as emerging game technologies.
- Participation in events and market integration - Students are invited to participate in multiple events related to the area, including talks, workshops, student project showcases and game jams.
- The program is taught entirely in English and includes a mandatory international mobility semester in top international universities, which provides the students with the global perspective that is essential in this professional field.
International Experience
The international strand of Games Development it’s visible not only by the teacher staff but also the international semester that it provides to their students
During one semester you will have the opportunity to study in one of the top schools in the area Abertay University in Scotland.
Real-World Business Experience
During the degree, students will have constant contact with the business world in and out of the classroom, both through projects with companies and through a mandatory traineeship.
You Will also have the opportunity to participate in multiple events for instance how You show the product development
Career Opportunities
- Digital games programmer
- Multimedia and mobile apps programmer
- Interactive systems and Artificial Intelligence
- Games for social networks and companies