Carmo Sequeira

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flag-nl Paesi Bassi

Coinquilini Carmo

  • 19 year old girl looking for a room/roomates in Rotterdam

    My name is Maria do Carmo i´m currently living in Portugal, but i will move to Rotterdam this August  to study at Hogeschool Rotterdam. I´m clean, focused, organized, friendly, do to travelling im used to share rooms/apartments, so i know how to respect boundaries....

    un anno fa
  • 19 years old girl looking for a room/roomates in Rotterdam

    My name is Maria do Carmo i´m currently living in Portugal, but i will move to Rotterdam this August  to study at Hogeschool Rotterdam. I´m clean, focused, organized, friendly, do to travelling im used to share rooms/apartments, so i know how to respect boundaries....

    un anno fa
  • 19 years old girl looking for a room/roomates in Rotterdam

    My name is Maria do Carmo, I´m living in Portugal ,but im moving to Rotterdam to study at Hogeschool Rotterdam to study internacional Bussiness. I´m organized, clean,friendly, know how to respect boundaries so  I would be a good roomate. I]m currlenty looking for a...

    un anno fa

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