Alicja Pietruszka

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flag-es Spagna

I messaggi nel forum di Alicja

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    Hi, I'm from Wrocław in last year i was in Spain for Erasmus i would like practise my spanish if you intersting to make tandem polish-spanish or spanich english please let me know:) besos Alicja

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    Erasmus Valladolid 2011 / 2012 (English)

    Hi everybody I'm going to Valladolid on 20 -th of september and stay to February, i'm going to study in Drama school... It will be nice meet all of you. I will be looking for same room to rent if anyboady would like to join me - you are welcome! Alicja

  • Forum


    Hola, Me llamo Alicja, soy polaca y en finales de este mes vengo a Valladolid de Erasmus. Busco un habitacion para alquilar para poder vivir ahi durante mi estancia en Espana ( medio ano). Hablo solo ingles pero podeis escribirle a mi amiga en espanol:...

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