Noémie Le Tyrant

Programmes suivis

Villes suivies

flag-ee Estonie

Universités suivies

Colocataires Noémie

  • 24 year old girl looking for an accommodation in Budapest

    Hello, I'm Noemie I'm from France and I'm coming to Budapest for a job after just finishing my studies :) I'm looking for a room in an apartement with roommates in the center and I will be staying 1 year. I like to enjoy a good meal, party, walks, paint ect! I speak...

    il y a 1 an
  • 22 year old french girl looking for a flat and roommates

    Hello, my name is Noémie, I'm from France and I will be spending the second semester studying in Tallinn Law School! I'm looking for a nice flat and roommates. I would like to live in a big apartement with people with different nationalities if it's possible...

    il y a 4 ans

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