Master in Accessible Communication
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Emplacement Leiria, Portugal
Type de cursus MA
Date de début 02/09/2021
Durée 2 years
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Langue PortuguĂŞs
Présence Blended
Engagement À temps partiel
Rythme des cours Avec un professeur
Frais de scolarité 1140 €
Description du programme
Course presentation
This study cycle aims to train specialists in accessible communication, so as to develop the theoretical and operational competencies that are required by the professional context at a national and international level. Accessible communication is addressed through multiple viewpoints so that a holistic overview may be achieved. This approach goes beyond the conventional domain of communication sciences in which this MA is placed. By taking an integrated outlook it brings new perspectives to ways to diminish barriers in communication through contributions from fields such as Behaviour and Social Sciences, Health, Social Services, Personal Services, Education, Arts, Humanities, Engineering and other techniques, Architecture. It is aimed to understand barriers and existing environment, social, structural and attitudinal stimuli and it will be approached strategies to make communication accessible to all. Please Note: The master is taught in Portuguese. However, academic material may be available both in Portuguese and English and students can choose to be assessed in either language.
This master has as specific learning goals:
- Acquire knowledge of the profiles of people with special needs;
- Develop a good command of the main theories in communication, mediation and accessibility;
- Acquire a sound and systematic knowledge of the techniques used in the production and reception of mediated communication;
- Know the main tools available for the making, offer and reception of accessible communication services;
- Achieve a good command of the main techniques for the production of accessible products/content;
- Understand the specificities of the different contexts in which specialised mediation and accessibility services are required;
- Understand the limitations and challenges that derive from working with people with special needs;
- Understand the needs of all the agents involved in creating accessibility in different socio-cultural contexts;
- Have an overall understanding of the dynamics of the market for accessible communication services.
Conditions of admission
May apply to the study cycle, leading to master’s degree on Accessible Communication:
- Holders of a degree or legal equivalent in any knowledge area;
- Holders of a foreign academic degree following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna process in any knowledge area;
- Holders of a foreign degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of a degree by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESECS in any knowledge area;
- Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curricula who is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESECS.