Master in Exercise Prescription and Health Promotion
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Emplacement Leiria, Portugal
Type de cursus MSc
Date de début 02/09/2021
Durée 2 years
Application de la date limite Request info
Langue PortuguĂŞs
Présence Sur le campus
Engagement À temps partiel
Rythme des cours Avec un professeur
Frais de scolarité 1140 €
Description du programme
Course presentation
Physical activity, exercise, sport, health and quality of life are interconnected concepts that have received increasing attention and discussion. The urgency of such concepts in contemporary societies is a subject of periodic recommendations by WHO, UNESCO and the UN. Several intervention policies have been fostered by governmental institutions to address the behavioural epidemic, which includes changes in social habits and lifestyles – sedentarism, physical inactivity, overweight and obesity, type II diabetes and hypertension.
As stated in Order N. º 8932/2017, it is clear the intention to identify the National Health System (NHS) as “a key facilitator of the coordinated and broader promotion of physical activity, assuming as a function the integration of this determinant within the different stages of health promotion and disease prevention”.
In this sense, IPLeiria aims to develop innovative training, through the articulation between four main vectors of intervention:
1) NHS health care;
2) product technology and innovation in the monitoring of physical activity levels;
3) to work actively in the community in the scope of pilot projects promoted by the General Direction of Health, Regional Administrations of Health;
4) practical application of knowledge in specific prescription to the individual.
Conditions of admission
May apply to the master course:
a) Holders of a first degree or equivalent, awarded by national higher education institution in the areas of Sport Sciences, Health and other related areas;
b) Holders of a foreign academic degree, or equivalent, awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this process in the areas of Sport Sciences, Health and other related areas;
c) The holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESECS, as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies.
International Student
All information related to the international student application should be consulted on our International Students webpage.