Master in Management Control
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Emplacement Leiria, Portugal
Type de cursus MSc
Date de début 02/09/2021
Durée 2 years
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Langue PortuguĂŞs
Présence Sur le campus
Engagement À temps partiel
Rythme des cours Avec un professeur
Frais de scolarité 1140 €
Description du programme
Study cycle’s generic objectives. The generic objectives of the Master in Management Control are: identify, define and explain specific concepts in the area of Management Control, define and solve problems, applying concepts and theories in environments and situations related to the real world; analyze and distinguish different organizational contexts, collect, select, synthesize and communicate information in a professional manner; learn independently throughout their lives in the area of management control.
Prepare the graduate for an easy and successful integration in the labor market (or an improvement of their organizational performance) in different contexts, facilitated by the choice of stage. Promote the acquisition and development of skills to play the graduate management functions, being a principal or member of team decision-making.
Conditions of admission
People who can apply to the Master’s Degree:
- Holders of an undergraduate degree or a legal equivalent in Management, Accounting, Finance, and related fields;
- Holders of a foreign higher education diploma, granted after a first cycle of studies, under the principles of the Bologna Process, by a State, which has subscribed this Process, in Management, Accounting, Finance, and related fields;
- Holders of a foreign higher education diploma that is recognized as meeting the objectives of an undergraduate degree by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management, in Management, Accounting, Finance, and related fields;
- Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as certifying the skills to attend this cycle of studies by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management.