Intercultural Business Communication
EMUNI University (EMUNI)
Emplacement Online (from Piran, Slovénie)
Type de cursus Master
Date de début No info
Durée No info
Application de la date limite No info
Langue Anglais
Présence En ligne
Engagement À temps partiel
Rythme des cours À ton rythme
Frais de scolarité No info
Description du programme
The Master’s Degree in Intercultural Business Communication is an interdisciplinary study programme offering knowledge and skills to support the communication of market actors (enterprises and non-profit organisations). Particular attention is paid to the command of languages, contemporary modes of business administration, including internet marketing and international strategies, and key soft skills of intercultural dialogue and intercultural relations. The objective is to provide robust knowledge of the specificities of conducting business in the Euro-Mediterranean region and beyond, as well as to develop communication and intra-personal skills of individuals, allowing them to assume managerial responsibilities with confidence.
Goals and competences
IBC programme aims to provide the principal competences to manage the process of business internationalization, especially intercultural communication skills, cultural knowledge and relevant economic topics.
General competences
Students will have high competences in written and spoken registers of two foreign languages. They will know the main cultural features of the respective countries and the most important economic topics relevant for business at international level. They will become aware of cultural differences and specific problems related to intercultural communication. Thanks to these interdisciplinary competences, the students will be able to act effectively in the field of international business.
Subject-specific competences
Students will attain the level of language proficiency in foreign languages corresponding to C2 in the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) for English, French, Spanish or German, and corresponding to B2 level for Russian or Chinese. All language courses will concentrate on lexical, syntactic and pragmatic structures of business registers. Students will learn to work in international and intercultural business contexts, to analyse communication processes, to foresee possible misunderstandings and to find solutions for communication problems. They will also be able to value and improve strategies for the internationalization of companies.
Admission requirements
The candidates need to fulfil all the criteria below:
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
- Knowledge of the English language at an advanced level (CEFR- C1)
- Knowledge of French or Arabic or Italian at an intermediate level (CEFR- B1)
- 16 ECTS or equivalent in courses related to economics, business, management or marketing
In case the candidates do not meet the criteria under number 4 above, they will be offered to follow an independent study bridging programme with an examination before enrolment in the IBC programme. The bridging course is open to all applicants who have also submitted their application to the Master’s degree programme. The exam will take place in September and will be conducted at a distance. It is free of charge for Master’s degree programme candidates. 
Students have the option of studying 1 semester at the University Urbino Carlo Bo in Italy. 
Those who choose this option have to demonstrate knowledge of the Italian language at intermediate level (CEFR- B1).
Programme structure
The programme is delivered as blended learning, in a combination of e-learning and face-to-face lectures held in Piran, Slovenia. Field visits (Intercultural Laboratories – practical training) are also organised in Slovenia and Italy. Due to Covid-19 crisis, the programme will be implemented online with a two week face-to-face period in April/May 2021. Students are provided with membership at the University Library of the University of Primorska and at the Library of the Science and Research Centre Koper, which are members of the EMUNI University network. With this, students can physically borrow library materials as well as remotely access the library and its databases.
Unique features of the programme
Features of the IBC Programme:
- Students will gain the ability to communicate and operate effectively in the Euro-Mediterranean region and beyond
- An international and intercultural study environment that stimulates curiosity and tolerance
- A mobility option, where students take part in a semester-long study abroad programme at the partner institution, the University of Urbino Carlo Bo or elsewhere in the EU through the ERASMUS+ Mobility Programme
- Diverse international faculty from renowned EU and Mediterranean universities
- Modern, active teaching methods and field work
- Ample possibilities to organise and conduct internships
- A blended type of learning – a combination of face-to-face and distance learning as a tool of significant growth, which offers possibilities to combine study and work
- Small classes, allowing teamwork, close interaction with instructors, and the most effective acquisition of knowledge
Mobility option
The students who will take part in the study mobility programme at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo over 1 semester, gaining a minimum of 24 ECTS. They will also receive a master’s degree certificate from the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. In order to participate, students are required to have at least B1 level knowledge of the Italian language, as the courses will be conducted in Italian.