
Undergraduate in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)

  • Emplacement Leiria, Portugal
  • Type de cursus BSc
  • Date de début 02/09/2021
  • Durée 3 years
  • Application de la date limite Request info
  • Langue Português
  • Présence Sur le campus
  • Engagement À temps plein
  • Rythme des cours Avec un professeur
  • Frais de scolarité 697 €

Description du programme


The aim of the degree, which is highly vocational, is to train professionals with high scientific, technical, ethical and professional levels, in the various areas of electrical engineering intervention. To reach this goal, skills are developed to enable these professionals to design, plan, implement and manage projects in the areas of power systems, industrial automation, electronics and telecommunications. Graduates should be able to easily adapt and evolve in the light of the rapid advance of technical and scientific knowledge, in this particular field, and also to have the right skills to use modern technologies, as required in their future professional activity. Moreover, they should be able to cope with different working environments, either in public or private sectors. Furthermore, the students should acquire an innovative and entrepreneurial attitude, enabling them to create their own employment.

  • Bachelor vérifié
  • Des places disponibles !
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