Undergraduate in Cultural Programming and Production
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Emplacement Leiria, Portugal
Type de cursus BA
Date de début 02/09/2021
Durée 3 years
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Langue Português
Présence Sur le campus
Engagement À temps plein
Rythme des cours Avec un professeur
Frais de scolarité 697 €
Description du programme
The degree in Programming and Cultural Production is a new bachelor’s degree. This degree was created to respond to new and old needs and respond to new and old opportunities. The activities range from traditional cultural programming, production and management to the new trends in Cultural and Creative Industries. Its curricular structure guarantees the practical instruments and theoretical skills necessary for a solid and professional formation in the areas of programming, production and cultural management. If you want to develop sustainable, creative and profitable cultural projects this bachelor is for you.