Erasmus Vienna 2016 / 2017 (English)
Sujet créé par Erasmusu Staff
— il y a 9 ans
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Erasmusu Staff
Écrit il y a 9 ans
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Vienna 2016 / 2017!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Vienna in 2016 / 2017 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Vienna, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Vienna
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Vienna
- The general forum for Vienna
- The blog Erasmus Vienna
- What to see in Vienna, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Vienna
- People who have been, are and will be in Vienna
- A photo gallery of Vienna
- The map and weather in Vienna
- The universities in Vienna
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Vienna or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Vienna.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Satyajeet Marar
Écrit il y a 9 ans
Hey, this is Satya from Sydney, Australia :)
I'm hitting up Vienna for a summer/spring 2016 law exchange at University of Vienna. Keen to make new friends from all over the world and to make some great memories to be shared over schnitzel and a cheeky beverage or 3.
See y'all soon xx
Martin Connell
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hi, I'm Martin 20 years old from Ireland :)
I'll be studying in Vienna for the course year of 2016/17. I'm a Geography and History student and would love to get to know some fellow Erasmus students. So excited about moving to Vienna :D
Claudia Ros
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hey there! I'm Claudia 21 years old from Barcelona!
I'll be moving to Vienna in September and i'll stay the whole year there! I study Translation and Interpreting, my main languages are German and French :) Already looking forward to meeting all of you!
Federica Alfano
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hi, I'm Federica and i'm from Italy :)
I'm going to Wien in september and i'll stay for a year!
I'm a Philosophy student at Paris 1 Sorbonne-Panthéon.
I can't wait for coming and meeting new people from all over the word! :D
Bis Bald!
Annamaria Mereta
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hi! I'm Annamaria, 20 years old from genoa!
I'm going to Wien for the first winter semester, I'm studying translation and interpreting (German and French), my biggest passion is traveling, can't wait to live this wonderful experience!
Francesco Strazzante
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hi! I'm Francesco 20 years old from Bergamo, Italy!
I'm going to Wein to study computer science at FH Technikum of Wein for the winter semester. I'm a computer Engineering student and I love travelling around the world; can't wait for this awesome experience!
Martin Connell
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Have any of you heard from the university yet? I've been told that nomination for Vienna end at the start of May and they'll be contacting students from then on. Any of you know if this is correct?
Claudia Ros
Écrit il y a 8 ans
I haven't heard anything from the University of Vienna either :S I found this at the web page
They say the nominations finish the 1st of May and that we should receive an email by 10th May at the latest! I don't know how it works for the other unviersities :(
Sara Enders
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hii guys,
I am a spanish student, who will study business administration in Universität Wien! Anyone else?☺️☺️
In what type of accomodation will you life? In a resident or a studentflat? I do not know what I should do!!
Francesco Strazzante
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hi all,
Yes I've already received some news from the university.
Sometimes the university tell you some places or you can search what you want. Personally I'll hope to find a room in a shared house. :)
Myriam Masquelier
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hi! I'm Myriam, 21 years old from France. I'm going to Wien for the first winter semester and studying history (and my english and my german are not very good... ;) )
Frederica, this year I study at Paris 1, maybe could we meet ?
Vivian Mok
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hi all, I am Vivian, 22 turning 23 in July and from the Netherlands. I will go to Vienna in the first semester, September - January. Hope to see many of you there! I will attend FH Wien WKW as a business student, not quite sure about how it all goes yet... Searching for an apartment that is not too expensive and furnished so if anyone has some tips?
Martin Connell
Écrit il y a 8 ans
I've applied for some of the dorms that the university has suggested has anyone else?
David Medina
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hi¡ I'm David and I'm going to go to Vienna this summer so as to do a internship Erasmus programme. I'll be in the mood for knowing people who will be there in thos period of time. I'm studying chemistry and, probably, I will need someone who could show me the city and the main places of this city... I'll be feel so lost the first day when I arrive there so...I accept any help.
P.d. Anyone else that study chemistry there?
Claudia Ros
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Vivian, i don't really have lots of tipps to look for a flat in Vienna since i'll be an exchange student as well, but i had a look at a page called WG Gesucht a few months ago. Some of the rooms are not furnished, but there are some students who rent their room because they are going abroad as well and they obviously leave all the furniture there :)
Martin, i applied for a room at home 4 students because it was cheaper, but it's more or less the same than the ones suggested by the uni!
Aaaand i have a question/suggestion! Is there a whats app group or something where we can write more directly? I was speaking with another spanish girl and we thought it would be nice to make one, what do you think? :)
Thomas Dissaux
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hey people,
Thomas, 25yo, and architecture student in TUWien for at least 2semesters hopefully 4 :)
Sooooo excited, and yeah I'm down for wtpp fbk (actually there's already a group which is polluted with ads we might want to create a new one)
And if youre looking for flat/house mates make sure to hit me up, I'm searching in and around 1040
Bruno de
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hey guys! I'm Bruno, from Brazil, and I'll an Erasmus student in Urban Planninf in Vienna for one year! During the summer I'll be traveling a lot following summer courses, that's why I only need a room in the beginning of October! If you know anything about come to me. I'd be better a place close to the city center and the danube, and the Technische Universität Wien.
Hallo Thomas, man tell me more about this group you're creating ;)
Thomas Dissaux
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Okay I tried to put all the links to the fbk erasmus groupS I'm in but the website doesn't allow me to publish links so if you're interested just hit me in private ;)
Santi Castilla
Écrit il y a 8 ans
Hi everyone!
I´m Santi, 20 years old, from Madrid!
I´m gonna study in Viena the winter semester in the FHWien university of applied sciences of wkw. I´ll study business and I´m looking an apartament in the city, is someone looking for people to share a place to live??
Can´t wait to be there!!
see u soon!