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Erasmus Valencia 2014 / 2015 (English)

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Dear Camilla
Thank you very much. Yes your answer is helped to me.


it's just the beginning :)

My best friend and I are coming to Valencia from September to January!

Hope to c u soon

Kisses from Greece :)

Hola amigos!

Me llamo Marion, soy francesa y estudio medicina. Estoy en Valencia y he buscado una habitación en la Ciutat Vella porque voy a estudiar en la UCV: te lo dices porque encontré el piso de mi sueño – que tal vez es el piso de tu sueño también!? Oye y digame lo que pienses :)

Primer, me parece que el Centro es una parte de la ciudad muy activa (el piso está cerca de la plaza negrita rodeada de bars  con una ambiente muy típica -ahora solamente son españoles que disfruten de la ciudad-, pues muy autentica: a mí me gusta mucho la arquitectura del centro tanto como los numerosos grafitis en los paredes que se ven cuando andes alrededores (lo que es muy agradable).

Segundo, el piso es maravilloso: antiguo pero totalmente reformado, muy grande y muy luminoso no es posible que no te lo encanta! (no dudas contactarme para que te envíe fotos!) Ahora quizás te pidas los razones de mi mensaje…

De hecho, no soy la propietaria del piso sino que estoy buscando por compañeros de piso que comparten las mismas ganas y valores que yo!  Ya viviste con compañeros y lo adora! Es una experiencia maravillosa que permite descubrir nuevas culturas y intercambiar! Quisiera volver a vivir eso y con tu! Para aprobarlo, se necesitan respeto - es perfecto si se puede cuidar una parte de intimidad- y amplitud de miras porque nos tenemos muchos de aprender gracias a los otros, no te parece?  Yo, soy una persona limpia, me gusta cocinar mucho (y comer y compartir mi cena!), me encanta divertirme, reírme, disfrutar del sol leyendo, hacer deporte, escuchar de la música, intentar mejorar mi nivel en español, probar nuevas cosas, hacer la fiesta, bailar…! 

Tengo mucha energía y soy muy excitada por lo que vamos a vivir :)  De nuevo, contáctame si quieres más informaciones sobre mi visión de un piso compartido, las habitaciones libres en el apartamiento o sobre yo, será mi placer contestarte!

Recuerdos, Marion

I am from London - reading Spanish and Economics at Leeds University - looking for accommodation - dont know where to start except would like to live around Honduras - interests are enjoying life, played football for a premiership UK club so am keen to live with people who dont hate the game - arriving on Friday and would like to find somewhere to live before Monday - am hoping that my disorganised approach will appeal - if interested please respond

Hi everyone, -i'm Teresa, an ex-erasmus student who is looking for a flat and flatmates to share this current year a flat in Valencia, not to far from tram or metro. I'm 24 and a biology student. I speak english and italian, so I trying to find someone to share the flat and practice almost one of this languages.

If someone has found a flat and have a free room please contact me, if you're interested in it.

I can help you with your time here, and all official document, etc...

Thank for your time.


Ciao a tutti. Sono Teresa, una ragazza ex-erasmus che cerca affito e coinquilini per condividere questo anno che già è cominciato. In qualsiasi quartiere se è vicino alla metro o tram va bennissimo. Studio biologia e ho 24 anni. Parlo italiano e anche Inglese, per questa raggione cerco qualcuno per imparare di più qualsiasi delle due lingue.

Se qualcuno è interessato fami sappere per missagio privato. Scusatemi se non scrivo tutto perfetto ma ho perso abastanza da luglio fin'ora.

Anche vi posso aiutarvi in relazie ai documenti e procedimenti a fare se è necessario.

Vi ringrazio il vostro tempo.



Hi! I'm Robin, a dutch girl, I'm planning to go to Valencia in 2 weeks to study spanish for 2 months. I'm still looking for an appartment in a shared flat with other students. Contact me if you like! 


i'll go in Valencia in january !

i hope to meat you!

See you.

Hi everyone!
We're 3 Croatian Erasmus girls coming in Valencia at 1st October and looking for a accommodation close to Facultad de Farmacia (Burjassot) and also for other students to hang out with! Hope to see u soon! You can contact me on fb:-)

Hi, i'm a Italian student, i'm looking foor a room from 20/10 till 20/02, if someone have information or can halp me don't hesitate to write me.



Hi! I'm Monika, polish girl, I'm planning to go to Valencia in 3 weeks.  I'm  looking for an appartment in a shared flat with other students. If someone can help me dont hesitate to let me know. :)

Hi I'm a Slovene student, and I will come tomorrow to Valencia for Erasmus internship. I m looking for apartment with nice Erasmus people, near Blasco Ibanez. I speak English, Italian, Serbian, Spanish (basic language). I'm a friendly, easy-going person. I like meeting new people, cultures, places and so on, I also like to hang out with friends/roommates and do some fun stuff. I enjoy cooking =).

Hello ! I'm looking for students who have already been to Valencia : I need some advices because i'm hesitated between an other spanish's city for my exchange student ! Help meeee 

Charlotte, frensh student. 

Hey Erasmus People,

We are Despoina & Christina from Greece and we came to valencia few days ago! We are here through ERASMUS PLACEMENT program....We started  our traineeship  today but we haven't seen anything special here yet!! We are looking for people who will help us to reach all the city, hang out together, party together and teach us alla the Valencian secrets!! 

Looking forward for your answers,


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