Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
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sari sipuli
Écrit il y a 12 ans
My name is Sari and i'm 24 years old. I'm study public health nurse at the Finland. I and my sister are changing to Santiago de compostela. We are exhange student 5 month in Spain. We nees aparment from autum we need accommodation, preferably near E.U. de Enfermeria de Santiago de Compostela or the city center. You can vontact the Spanish or English. sari.isopahkala at
Manuel Blanco
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hello! I bring you here some information about the association Erasmus Compostela:
Erasmus Association Compostela, established as a non-profit association with legal personality and duly registered in the records for both the Xunta de Galicia, as an association of students at USC.
The association is part of the federation of national associations, with the section pertaining to SANTIAGO ESN Erasmus Student Network (ESN).
This is one of the largest student organizations in Europe with presence in 360 universities in 36 countries, and in constant evolution and expansion. It offers its services to 150,000 students Erasmus annually in order to support and help to make your school year a memorable experience.
ESN Santiago assists international students, providing as far as possible their arrival in the city, advising them on the floor search, development of leisure activities both cultural and sports throughout the academic year through the work of employees and the volunteer effort.
The association has 400 to 600 members quarterly, distinguishing between two types of annual and semiannual stay.
We also have a buddy program to exchange students that you will find on our website, shown below.
Thank you very much.Hope to see you soon!
For more information:
ESN Santiago
Casa de Jimena y Elisa Fernandez de la Vega, Casas Reais, 8, Santiago de Compostela.
15782 Santiago de Compostela (ES)
Website: erasmuscompostela
facebook: esnsantiago
Roberta Schiavon
Écrit il y a 12 ans
ciao ragazzi!! sono Roberta e sono di Padova. Sto cercando un appartamento da gennaio 2013. Preferirei fosse in una zona centrale di santiago.. qualcuno mi può aiutare? Contattatemi qui! a presto!! :-)
hola chicos!! soy roberta y soy de padova (Italia) . Estoy buscando un apartamento desde enero 2013. preferiria fuese en una zona central de santiago ...alguno me puede ayudar?contactarme aqui
Paula Bravo
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Our flat is provived with two bathrooms, a kitchen, a livigroom, a terrace and three bedrooms. It is a new apartment, very nice and noiseless. We are already two flatmates and we're looking for the other one!
The reason why we prefer a foreign flatmate is that we would like to improve our English or German, and if you are interested we could also help you with your Spanish.
The flat is centrally situated, very close to the CAMPUS SUR (2 minnutes walking) and 15 minutes walking from the north one. It would be available until June 2013.
If you are interested, don't hesitate, contact us! We could be in touch by Facebook so that we can know eachother better before we live together and we can also send you pictures of the flat. ADD US ON FACEBOOK: Andrea Peleteiro ! :)
Barış Sağlam
Écrit il y a 12 ans
I ll be studying at uiversty of santiago de compostela on spring semester, i m looking for flatshared in close to campus..could u help me? Any one interested in?
please contact me on facebook
Neşe Akbaş
Écrit il y a 12 ans
We're looking for a flat for share! (me and my friend didem) we'll be there about January to July! If you're interested send me an message :)
Natalia Wolska
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hey! We're 3 erasmus students that share an amazing flat in Santiago, Avenida Romero Donallo 11/6a, right next to Campus Sur! We're leaving the flat at the end of January so it is available since the beginning of February. It has 3 bedrooms, big saloon, big kitchen and a small balcony. If you are interested and you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I can't copy a link to the announcment of the flat (for some safety reasons they don't allow me to), but if you want to see it tell me, or you can find it on the page
Hola! Somos 3 estudiantes que comparten una habitación increible en Santiago, Avenida Romero Donallo 11/6a, cerca de Campus Sur. Alquilamos el piso hasta el fin de enero, pues desde el principio de febrero el piso esta disponile! Tiene 3 habitaciónes, un salón grande, una cocina grande y un pequeńo balcón. No puedo copiar un link al anuncio que nuestra casera ha puesto en el internet (por algunas causas de seguridad) pero si quereis verlo, digame, o podeis encontrar el anuncio en la pagina
Gabriella Ilku
Écrit il y a 12 ans
looking for a flat for share !
Hola, hy there! :) I’m Gabriella, from Hungary. I’ll stay in Santiago from 2013 begining of february to june as an erasmus exchange student. I am looking for girl flatmates close to the campus. It’s pretty urgent to find a place to live. If you or anybody are interested message me!
Alessandro Schiazza
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Ciao a tuttiiiiiiiiiiii sono Alessandro di Pescara.. io fra 5 giorni parto per Santiago!! Sto fomentatissimo :D
Se qualcuno/a ha bisogno di un coinquilino.. contattatemi! basta che non sto in casa con italiani perchè so già che ci uscirò, almeno quelle poche volte che starò a casa vorrei parlare in spagnolo!!
Fatemi sapereeee... a prestoooo :D:D:D
Hola a todos soy Alejandro de Pescara .. Dejo por 5 días en Santiago! Estoy feliz: D
Si alguien necesita un compañero de cuarto .. póngase en contacto conmigo! sólo que yo no estoy en casa con los italianos, porque ya sabemos que vamos a salir, al menos las pocas veces que voy a estar en casa me gustaría hablar en español!
Permítanme sapereeee ... Nos vemos: D: D: D
Hello everyone I am Alexander of Pescara .. I leave for 5 days in Santiago! I'm happy: D
If any/someone needs a roommate .. contact me! just that I'm not at home with Italians because I already know that we will go out, at least the few times I'll be home I would like to speak in Spanish!
Let me sapereeee ... I'll see you: D: D: D
Beata Więckowska
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hola! Desde febrero buscamos una chica para habitacion libre en nuestro piso. El piso esta muy bien situado 1 minuto de campus sur, 10 minutos de catedral.El piso tiene tres habitaciones individuales,salon,bano y cocina.Si estas interesado escribeme aqui o en el facebook.
Gabriella Ilku
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hey girls,
i'm still looking for an apartman or looking for a nice girl to live with (from beginning of february to june 2013). I have found a few flats where to live but some of them for two person because of the costs. If you don't have apartman yet, you are nice and fun, and you would share a room/flat with me, message me pls. Probably it will be easier to find an apartman together!
Gabriella (erasmus student form Hungary)
Gabriella Ilku
Écrit il y a 12 ans
looking for a room
I am Gabriella, erasmus student, studiing at the facultaty of law. I am looking for an apartman in Santiago close to the Campus Sur from the 5th of February to the end of the semaster. It is very important because i want to move in next week when i arrive! If you have a room please write me private message about the conditions!